I'm new and doing it on my own.

mocollette Posts: 2 Member
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
Hi, my name is Monique and I am new to this. I have been on Myfitness for about 2 weeks. (I had surgery last week and stopped for a week) I have 3 kids and I want to get back my body. I am married and my husband doesn't support me much. (He likes Mt. Dew and pizza) I have about 70 lbs to lose.



  • maurapie
    maurapie Posts: 48 Member
    Hey Monique!
    I started only a few weeks ago also, and so far I really love this site. My husband is the same way, but he says he's proud of me for making better choices and that he's going to start eating better and working out "soon" (whenever that is!) I'm hoping I will inspire him when he sees how far I go. Good luck, and if you need support or accountability you can friend me and I will do my best to help motivate you!
  • yalva1
    yalva1 Posts: 16
    There is soooooo much support on this board. I actually have met such nice people. Post a picture so people know who you are. Feel free to add me as a friend.

  • gidjet11
    gidjet11 Posts: 86
    You aren't alone if you're on here!

    I have only been using the site for 6 days and feel so much better about how I eat now. I make two different dinners here because my husband doesn't want what I want now too. Stick with this site and add some friends, we'll all help keep you motivated! ;-)
  • zinamom
    zinamom Posts: 2 Member
    This site is so easy to use and it holds you accoutable. Good luck!
  • You will find very quickly that you are not alone on this site!
  • Welcome!! I also have 3 kids and have a husband that is completely in denial about healthy eating!! You can do it, and he might even get on the bandwagon with you, you never know. I do it on my own, because I am happier when I am healthy, and my kids notice, so it is good for them too.
  • lsd007
    lsd007 Posts: 435
    Welcome!! I am in the same boat with my hubby. He doesn't discourage what I am doing, but he still expects his "meat and potatoes" meal every night!! I'm sending a friend request your way, add me back if you want motivation buddies!
  • My name is Carrie i have been officially dieting or should i say eating better for three weeks now,,,thought the weight would have dropped off of me quicker. I went from eaating fast food daily and drink so much soda,,,to no fast food and diet soda and mostly water and i have only lost 9 pounds in three weeks....I need some help pls!!!
  • farmbaby
    farmbaby Posts: 7 Member
    Hi all,

    My name's Chey and I'm new on this site as of today... i just created my profile. I found it through a friend of mine who posted something on their Facebook. ha! I am trying to lose weight in order to join the military and I'm crossing my fingers that it happens! Feel free to add me as a friend on here. I need accountability for my actions! God bless you all :)
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