First Day on MFP...a few ??s & looking for more fitness budd

JessPG Posts: 5
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
Hello All,

I just moved to Denver 3 weeks ago. The first thing I do when establishing any new residence is find a gym. Well I found a great one that has all my fave Les Mills classes and some pretty awesome people. Through one of those awesome people (purplegurl13) is how I happened upon MFP!

The food tracker is the most helpful tool!! I might also find it a little depressing. Does anyone's snack section look completely out of control? I also was wondering, for those people that have been tracking food for a while, what changes did you notice after you started tracking food?

I'd like to have more fitness pals so feel free to add me if you like! I am just looking for a supportive community of fitness/healthy minded people =]



  • Dreamerlove
    Dreamerlove Posts: 441 Member
    Welcome!!! I started Dec 1st and have lost 12.8 pounds and some inches. I love tracking my food! I found I eat better whole foods rather than mindless munchy foods.
  • Nanadena
    Nanadena Posts: 739 Member
    Welcome! I am in the Northeastern part of Colorado. Since I started tracking my food, I realized why I had gained the weight. I am now more careful about what I eat and am more motivated to exercise.
  • My biggest change, well there have been a lot, but I'm no longer drinking most of my calories. I drink mostly water now. Drinking water when I eat was a tough to adjust to.
    . And I found healthier snacks like raw fruits, laughing cow cheese, and nuts.
  • iwannawearatutu
    iwannawearatutu Posts: 150 Member
    Welcome, and feel free to add me! (That goes for anyone else, in fact...:)

    One of the first things I did was update my sections to reflect how I eat - I try to graze, it suits my rather sensitive blood sugar levels (somewhat hypoglycemic) so I added additional snack sections so now I have breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, and another snack.

    The main thing I've noticed about tracking is that I have a much clearer sense of portion sizes.
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    Well of course I'm eating way less and better food items I haven't given anything up except ice cream (my computer is next to the fridge) not good. The site is very easy to use and people are very friendly. My niece just moved to Denver if you shop at Nordstroms she's in the women s dept
  • JessPG
    JessPG Posts: 5
    Thanks I didn't know I could add another SNACK section!!
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    Hi and welcome!

    I love to track and love to research the boards and educate myself.

    Some things I've learned since January 2011:

    -I prefer a macronutrient profile of 40% carbs and 30% each protein and fat, which is NOT the default setting of MFP
    - After that I learned I have trouble getting enough protein, which is important so as I lose weight I'm losing MORE fat and LESS lean muscle tissue.
    -I've learned that women should lift heavy weights just like men do.
    -I've learned that I used to not get enough fiber in my diet
    -I've learned that the American Heart Association recommends that adults keep their sodium under 1500 mg/day (MFP recommends 2500 mg/day)
    -I've learned that sugar can be really bad for you and also addicting.
    -I've learned how to eat more whole foods and less processed stuff!

    All of this in just 70 days! Who knew???? I plan on educating myself for life! Good luck and feel free to add me if you'd like! :flowerforyou:
  • JessPG
    JessPG Posts: 5
    @joyrobles - does she work at the Cherry Creek Nordstrom's? Can you imagine me going around "Excuse me! Joyrobles niece?!" I think it would be pretty hilarious =]
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