Fitness Pal newbie

Hello to everyone who has got lifestyle changes on the brain!

I'm Crystal. It's so very nice to meet you all. :flowerforyou: Like some of you, I have struggled with my weight almost all my life. I have tried every diet on this earth it seems, only to gain back all the weight I had once lost. A coworker told me about this wonderful and ingenius website a couple days ago, and I'm hooked! Ever since I started using this site to track my daily intake of food, I seem to be more consious of what I eating and making sure I get my excercise in. I can't wait to add this application when I get my new phone tomorrow! I have a feeling Fitness Pal is going to be the motivator I need! :happy:


  • tamanella
    tamanella Posts: 500 Member
    Welcome to MFP!! You'll really love it here, the people are great! They are what keeps me going! Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like and if you ever need to talk, if things are getting to you, just send me a message, I'd love to listen!
  • Mayorga160

    Glad to hear you like the site! I know I do!

    Goodluck with your goals(: