


  • Hinto
    Hinto Posts: 52
    I'll be very happy if I lose my boobs!
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I'll be very happy if I lose my boobs!

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • amber_hanners
    amber_hanners Posts: 388 Member
    well sine my husband told me that he dont want me to lose by girls or my booty im sure ill loe from those areas first
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    I lost my moobs when I lost weight :)
  • loganaw
    loganaw Posts: 62 Member
    i lost 30 lbs and went from a DD to a small B.
  • maserati185
    maserati185 Posts: 263 Member
    hinto, steve - lol stacey - I've been wondering about this myself... what are my boobs going to look like at my goal weight and fitness? I'm crossing my fingers in hopes that I get a sort of natural make over from all the fat-burning and toning. But I am okay with small breasts and a lean body. Would love to be able to run without my chest hurting or wear a bra without neck pain.
  • kaitlyn12osu
    I went from a DD to a B when i lost 30 lbs. However, when I get down to my running weight which is about 10 lbs lighter, I pretty much become flat chested.
  • jmhigg1020
    jmhigg1020 Posts: 51 Member
    My husband and I joke that every time I gain weight, I gain in my chest, but every time I lose, I lose everywhere but my chest. When I lose this weight, I can't afford to gain again, and neither can my back! I am currently overflowing a DD and am in denial over needing a bigger bra. Once I lose, I don't think that they'll get much smaller, but I do think that they will continue to droop. My goal is a lift to put them back where God intended them to be - at attention, not gazing longingly at my feet! I know, TMI!!
  • HannahPastoor
    Sorry if I offend anyone, but I get really annoyed when people spend their money on things like this or when rich people don't do anything with their ton of money.

    I am not and never will get a boob job. I don't care if they droop down to my knees. I will not spend all that money for such a stupid reason. I would much rather be ugly and do good - children in Africa, feeding children in my city, ending slavery (yes, slavery. there is STILL slavery. In your own town. Ask me about it or look it up), adoption, disease research, disaster relief, the list goes on and on and on.

    Who cares how I look when children are dying? When the Japanese need help? When people don't have CLEAN WATER? I think those are more important than how I look.
  • kbcakes
    kbcakes Posts: 84
    I would love to lose some. In a DDD you get very few "pretty" choices. Would love to get down to a D cup and get something a bit more exciting than the cantelope slingers I currently own!
  • appleofmyeye
    Sorry if I offend anyone, but I get really annoyed when people spend their money on things like this.

    Agreed! I am a 32AA, and at my heaviest weight I barely made it up to a 34A. I have to buy my bras in the little girls section of the store and can rarely find anything at places like Victoria's Secret. Tops and dresses often don't fit me because my breasts are so small!

    I was very self-conscious about this as a teenager, and for years I even wore super-padded push-up bras to make myself feel better. Somewhere along the way, though, I learned to be comfortable in my own skin. Now, I wear minimally padded bras and shop around for flattering styles. I love my little boobs, and so does my husband.

    The money it would cost me to get an augmentation could be better spent on so many things--improvements on our house, savings, several vacations, a college fund for my future children, or a worthwhile charity or cause like Annabell mentions in her post.

    No offense intended--everyone is entitled to their opinions on this!--but if I were considering a surgery like this, I would have to seriously ask myself why I thought larger breasts would be so important to my quality of life, and what would I be sacrificing to get them?
  • cng1117
    cng1117 Posts: 225 Member
    When i was thin i was a 34DD, now im fat in a im thinking they will prob stay in the dd range but im not getting them "done" as in "bigger" but if they sag real bad, and they probably will, im def having them lifted. Well, maybe. I'd like to anyway lol....

    btw: Someone spending their hard earned money on an elective surgery is their personal right and they are doing it for the same reason that many on this site are losing weight for: to feel confident about themselves and have a better body image. What business is it to anyone here how that is accomplished?
  • ImperfektAngel
    ImperfektAngel Posts: 811 Member
    started at a 42DD and am now a 38D :sad:
  • RachelHancock
    It depends on your genes! your mammary glands are your mammary glands, your fat is your fat.

    i have massif mammaries, i can get skinny and have proportionally big boobs 30dd, and I can gain weight and get up to a 34gg.

    if your boobs are just fat then you will lose them but its a good thing cos fats pretty nasty for your health. make a decision when you're down to a healthy waist size.
  • appleofmyeye
    btw: Someone spending their hard earned money on an elective surgery is their personal right and they are doing it for the same reason that many on this site are losing weight for: to feel confident about themselves and have a better body image. What business is it to anyone here how that is accomplished?

    Like I said, no offense intended. You're right--everyone has a right to spend their money how they want, and elective surgery could certainly give someone greater feelings of confidence and self-worth. My point was just that it is possible to get over body image hangups, and the money spent on cosmetic surgery could easily be spent on things that might provide more real satisfaction.

    I certainly want to be confident about the way I look, but that's not the main reason I'm on MFP. I'm here to be healthier--to be more accountable to myself about living an active lifestyle and to be more aware of what and how much I'm feeding my body.

    I also do want to make clear that I do see why some people would have surgeries at the end of their weight loss journeys. A person who starts at 350lbs and loses 200lbs might have problems after they lose weight because their skin didn't shrink as much as they did. Surgery after weight loss this drastic might make sense, as would a breast lift for someone who lost several cup sizes and some perkiness along the way. When your body changes this drastically, I can see how surgery could fix some unavoidable side effects of attaining a healthy weight. I can also see the need for breast reductions in women who experience pain or discomfort because their breasts are too large for their frames to support. (My aunt had a reduction from a D to a B for this reason and was much happier for it!)

    Other choices make less sense to me. To me, a woman with a B- or C-cup who just *really* wishes she could wear a D might think about what makes that D so magical. And a woman who loses a couple of inches all over--including from her bust measurement--probably still has beautifully proportioned breasts that match her new, leaner body. When a woman loses fat all over, her cup size is supposed to go down!

    When I gained weight and finally reached a 34A, I was really excited to buy my first Victoria's Secret that I'm back at my happy weight, that bra is too big for me. I'm back down to a 32AA, which is about as small as a woman's boobs could be without being absent. I have fantasized about how I would look if I had larger breasts, but in the end I have learned to be proud of what I do have instead of wishing I looked more like someone else. The kind of money I could spend on surgery would make me happier spent on things that benefit my health, my family, or my community. And spending money on this kind of thing makes me feel good, because I know it is money spent on something authentic.

    I suppose other people might not be able to find those happy feelings on their own, and they might need something like cosmetic surgery to feel confident. To each her own. I am not trying to stop anyone from spending her money how she chooses. Everyone splurges on things they don't need--things they just want--and for some people, this is it. I just wanted to voice my opinion as someone who has gotten over the kind of body image and self/worth issues that I hear on this thread.

    Be proud of your beautiful bodies, ladies, and of everything you've done to make your lives healthier and more fulfilling! :happy:
  • ohohraptor
    ohohraptor Posts: 205 Member
    I lose my boobs first, although after having my son they are bigger than they were before. I went from a 32b to a 34c after I gained weight, to a 34d when I was nursing, and now I'm a 32c. I expect them to get smaller though once I reach my GW.
  • milanks
    milanks Posts: 122
    I've been as big as a C and now I'm around an A Cup. I really prefer them smaller. I like that now I can wear bras without much structure/support so that whatever my boobs look like in clothes, is what they look like out of clothes and if my partner tries to cop a feel, it's "all me." I think all boobs are awesome boobs, but I'm perfectly satisfied member of the IBTC. :)