Not losing weight! Tell me why!

Hi im new here. Im not new to being healthy and exercising. Ive been on this journey for two years. Heres my problem. When i first started this two years ago I did lose weight. 6llbs. But then i slowly climbed up. I am not fat, its muscle im guessing. I totally can feel a difference in my clothes and how i feel. I exercise everyday! I love bike riding outside. I do it for an hour sometimes hour and a half. Then i will go on the treadmill for 30-40mins. Either i do one of these things or I do both everyday. But i keep active. I am short. 4'9". I dont eat alot and its not on purpose. Its just me! I want to be 95lbs. So what am i doing wrong? Thanks!


  • alex063287
    alex063287 Posts: 61 Member
    You don't want to hear this but you are exercising too much and not eating enough. You need to make sure that you are atleast eating 1200 calories a day and you are supposed to eat more if you exercise. Plus your body needs days to rest.
  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    I can't see your diary so I don't know for sure but it sounds like you're not eating enough
  • kermitcfrog
    To be honest with you, you shouldn't judge yourself by weight but more by how you look. If you are exercising that much and not losing weight you might not have any to lose, you are most likely gaining muscle mass so don't worry so much about the numbers and worry more about how you feel and look. Hope this helps.
  • smithda86
    smithda86 Posts: 10
    Have you been logging EVERYTHING you eat, include all sugary drinks etc.? Exercise is very good and beneficial for your cardiovascular fitness, but to lose weight diet is going to be much much more important. All that exercise can easily be undone with a few unhealthy food/drink choices each day. It's much easier to not eat the calories than to try and exercise them off later.

    If you can roughly outline your daily meals and times of meals, maybe I can offer some advice.
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    I highly recommend that you log your measurements once a month. Go to My Home>>Check-In. The scale doesn't tell the whole truth especially when you're exercising that much.

    Do you wear a heart rate monitor and log your exercise in MFP? Are you eating back your exercise calories? Are you drinking 8-12 cups of water every day? Are you tracking sodium in your food diary? Do you use a food scale to weigh everything you eat?

    Read some of the valuable information found in the links below my ticker. It's worth your time. Good luck.
  • jansus
    jansus Posts: 58 Member

    even at your height that seems very low - especially if you are now muscular through excercise.
  • bjorgen2
    bjorgen2 Posts: 17 Member
    You need to eat more and eat on a regular schedule. Your body will go into starvation mode if you do not eat enough. Try it. You will gain 2-3 lbs at first, then you will start loosing lbs.
  • PoleBoy
    PoleBoy Posts: 255 Member
    When you have a lot of weight to lose you can play the eat little exercise a lot game and really strip it off. OK, you end up with loads of loose skin, but it works.

    Once you get close to "normal" this stops working.

    If you consistently under eat then you body will start to do all it can to conserve its fat, in case things get even worse. Yes, if you exercise more than you're eating you will still lose weight, but after every meal you body will lay down fat as quickly as it can, and not release that fat for as long as it can - so you'll go a little hypoglycemic before it gives you some back.

    The real kicker to this is you will gain fat as you correct this situation. I gained for three weeks when I forced myself to hit 1500 cals a day, but after those three weeks I started losing faster than before. I expect to gain again now I've started eating back my exercise on top of the 1500.

    If you managed to lose 61 lb, then you must've had it to lose, which suggests you can eat more than you need - you've just "chosen" not to. Look at you food balance - where are your calories coming from - mine are 50% carbohydrate, 30% protein and 20% fat. If you really are struggling to up your calories, try having a slice of wholemeal toast spread with hummus before exercise.
  • jdb1016
    jdb1016 Posts: 5
    Thanks all soooo much. I made my food tracker/exercise tracker public so go see! I dont eat alot! And i just signed up so I just logged in yesterday. Plan on an hour today on the treadmill. I also think that this is just my body. And this is my weight im supposed to be. But im gonna fight it!! LOL. Again, thanks to everyone that responded. Im going to read all your comments again to fully grasp everything!! :)
  • PoleBoy
    PoleBoy Posts: 255 Member
    It looks like it is friends only still.
  • jdb1016
    jdb1016 Posts: 5
    sorry!. New at this! lol. I think i fixed the issue!
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    sorry!. New at this! lol. I think i fixed the issue!
    Nope, still private. Go to My Home>>Settings>>Diary Settings. Change your diary to public.
  • jdb1016
    jdb1016 Posts: 5
    OK, now i did it! Thanks all!
  • PoleBoy
    PoleBoy Posts: 255 Member
    Hmmm.. the database entry for the spaghetti and meat sauce isn't a very good one - it doesn't break down the carbs/fat/protein.

    spread butter on your sandwich, and add top your spaghetti with some cheese.

    Finish your day with a hot chocolate drink

    (you're exercising hard - I don't see much calcium in your diet. Butter, cheese, and milk all have some)
  • jdb1016
    jdb1016 Posts: 5
    Haha. I dont even think the mayo should count on my sandwichs cause i know its fattening so i dont put much on. I do want to try that new Mayo with the olive oil.

    I do have milk with my cereal! Im not really a big liquid drinker! I find it annoying! LOL. Water bores me. But i know this is bad, i do like Powerade. If thats my only bad thing then i think im ok. I only have a bottle a day.
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    Why do you want the scale to say 95lbs?

    I think you should get rid of your the end does it matter what the scale says? Is it possible for someone who's active and muscular to weigh 95lbs?

    I say your goal should have nothing to do with excercise except maybe to slow it down a little. Your goal should be eating better foods and drinking more water. It isn't about weight loss, its about giving your body what it needs. You need healthy fats. Its actually pretty easy to sneak in cheese and dairy, avocado instead of mayo if you plan ahead.

    Work on small changes and new habits, ways to nourish your body and and treat yourself well.
  • PoleBoy
    PoleBoy Posts: 255 Member
    Haha. I dont even think the mayo should count on my sandwichs cause i know its fattening so i dont put much on. I do want to try that new Mayo with the olive oil.

    You're choosing to exclude higher energy density foods from your diet. it's not that you can't eat enough, it's that you wont. As long as you're eating so little and doing so much your body will lay down fat whenever it can, and hold it as long as it can.

    Eat more, lose more.
  • Just1forMe
    Just1forMe Posts: 624 Member
    You don't want to hear this but you are exercising too much and not eating enough. Plus your body needs days to rest.

    I completely agree. Especially when you have less to lose. You are slowing your metabolism way down by not feeding your body the energy it needs. I get not being hungry. Just eat things like nuts, peanut butter on an apple, tuna with real mayo to get your calorie intake up there. Try it and see if you don't start losing! Good luck! :flowerforyou: