Day 2 on MFP and "starting again"

Okay... Yesterday was a total write-off as far as first days of dieting goes. But, I've decided that today is a new day. Yesterday is history. I will make better choices today. Still... I'm having a hard time even wanting to get out of bed today. I'm starting to think I might be slightly depressed?


  • marleyfu
    marleyfu Posts: 16
    I know just how you feel. Lexapro did it for me! Still, I have little or no self control. "Starting Again" is the perfect title.
  • LegalBeagleJCK
    LegalBeagleJCK Posts: 13 Member
    New day...fresh start! Good for you for not giving up. This is about progress, not perfection....and sometimes progress means just getting up and starting again. You can do this!
  • susancelli928
    you can do this, its hard to wrap your head around the fact that you have to be strict with yourself with yourself when it comes to eating because its easier to eat than not. So get out of bed and start today with a goal. Good luck
  • pattiann603
    sometimes junk food and too many carbs can make you feel sluggish that day after, almost like a food hangover. and being disappointed doesn't help, either. sometimes the best solution i can find is to force your self out of bed and get to the gym. the adrenaline and endorphins are great for improving your mood. and then once you've started your day with a good choice like that, it won't be as easy to just throw your diet to the wind.

    you're right. today is a new day, so get out of bed, and go enjoy it!
  • pattiann603
    p.s. i just read your inspirations on your profile, it seems like you have tons of reasons to make this a fresh start today!
  • LeslieRoyale
    LeslieRoyale Posts: 331 Member
    sometimes junk food and too many carbs can make you feel sluggish that day after, almost like a food hangover. and being disappointed doesn't help, either. sometimes the best solution i can find is to force your self out of bed and get to the gym. the adrenaline and endorphins are great for improving your mood. and then once you've started your day with a good choice like that, it won't be as easy to just throw your diet to the wind.

    you're right. today is a new day, so get out of bed, and go enjoy it!

    Pattiann's got it right! If you get up and do some exercise, the endorphins will chase those blues away!! My overall mood has improved SIGNIFICANTLY since I've gotten into a regular workout routine. I can tell when I miss a couple of days, I get all 'blah' feeling.
    Today is a new day...EVERY day is a new day!! You can do it!! Feel free to add me if you'd like additional support on your journey :happy:

  • queenstatus
    queenstatus Posts: 267 Member
    You are not alone. I just worked my butt off for this whole week and watched what I ate and to lose 1 pound I was devastated! Devastated so that I did not walk today nor go to the gym. I will however get back on track because the support that i have gotten has got me to realize that I cannot give up, i want and need this too badly