Master Cleanse

ebju8482 Posts: 32
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
I was wondering if anyone has tried the master cleanse I believe its just lemon juice and cayenne pepper. I heard that you shouldn't eat for 10 days is this true?


  • KelliH729
    KelliH729 Posts: 208 Member
    By no means am I an expert but I would never do something that would not allow me to eat for 10 days. That is just not healthy. Your body needs fruits, veggies, protien, etc. To deny it that would just cause you to gain it all back at the end of a rough 10 days.
  • Some of my coworkers did it. They all lost 8-12 lbs. I tried it for 3 days. Hated it and it didn't do anything for me.
  • crebbe
    crebbe Posts: 18
    I have tried this a few times. I can never make it past 1 1/2 days.

    I later realized it isn't such a great idea since most people don't actually shed the weight like it says, and if they do the second they eat actual food it comes back.

    My advice: Don't put yourself through it! You may just end up with an excess of leftover ingredients!

    After trying it the last time I kept up with squeezing fresh lemon juice in my water when I wake up. The live enzymes will help with movements.

    Good luck!
  • TeenaMarina
    TeenaMarina Posts: 420 Member
    I tried it once. There's maple syrup or molasses or something in it too. I only managed it for a few days... it was gross but I felt pretty good after; helped me back on track as far as eating better. That was years ago - I don't think I would do it again, though. Not so good for your body, agreed.
  • Dean31
    Dean31 Posts: 38 Member
    I've never tried it, but that doesn't sound healthy at all to me. I've never really been a fan of "cleansings" other than good ol' fiber lol. If you eat at least 25g of fiber a day, it will clean out your system and keep it clean. I think that too many people over look fiber. We hear all the time that it keeps you feeling full, but what we don't hear enough is that it is a wonder food for digestive health. It is essential for cleaning out all the "sludge" and toxins.
  • ebju8482
    ebju8482 Posts: 32
    Thanks to everyone for the advice my friend told me about it but i was skeptical especially when I heard about the not eating:smile:
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    This sounds "Crazy." Lemon juice and cayenne on an empty stomach for 10 days, WOW. What people will do to lose a few pounds...then 4/5/6 months later they are right back trying to lose those pounds again. Why not try to do it right from the jump and change old, bad eating habits.
  • By no means am I an expert but I would never do something that would not allow me to eat for 10 days. That is just not healthy. Your body needs fruits, veggies, protien, etc. To deny it that would just cause you to gain it all back at the end of a rough 10 days.

    I AGREE 100 %!
  • mklockhart
    mklockhart Posts: 1 Member
    It is also Maple syrup, yes, I've done it twice. And yes, you dont eat any food while you're doing it. Most people do lose weigh,
    (Day 3 is the worst, both times I lasted 15 days) however, once you start to eat normally again, the weight comes back on, and in my case it slowed down my metabolism greatly. It has become much harder to lose and maintain my weight loss after I did the master cleanse.
    But if you're looking to detox your system, it does make you feel better.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I've never done it and I wouldn't recommend it. People focus more on their hips and thighs than what is going on in their bodies. Your brain needs at least 500 calories a day, just your brain. You have a heart, liver, kidneys and skin that requires nutrients daily.
    Don't short change yourself and don't short change your health.
  • pocketsam
    pocketsam Posts: 134
    I was reading about this last night & watched a documentary the other day where people tried 3 of these 'fad' diets.

    I think Beyonce made it popular - she uses it for 'quick fixes' before an event etc to shed weight quickly. From what I read its quite a good 'cleanse' but it really doesnt need to be for so long and people tend to put the weight back on again pretty quickly. I cant imagine living 'normal' life while doing it with work etc etc.

    In the past I have done a day long cleanse just drinking water, green tea, mint tea etc. The day before just have fresh fruit & veggies and start the day after the cleanse slow, fruit, complex carb, lean protein.

    I guess it all depends on why you want to do it really and everybody will have a different opinion on it too.
    Best of luck with your goals xxx
  • Angel1029
    Angel1029 Posts: 459
    I did it years ago and lost a lot weight and felt good afterwards. I would never do it again because there are so much more healthier ways to lose weight and keep it off for good.
    Slow and steady wins the race!
  • doitday
    doitday Posts: 59
    I used to do it on occasion (1-2 times a year). It's not for everyone. The first time I did it I lost 20 lbs in 10 days, but gained everything back once I started eating. I look upon the cleanser for what it is, a cleanser, not a weight loss system. I suggest you get the book from Whole Foods, read the entire book then start it, so that you are aware of what you are doing and doing to your also specify the ingredient and the GRADE necessary. It's a wonderful cleanser with some fantastic benefits (clean face, better mood, improved health). After the fourth day you no longer feel any hunger. The Maple Syrup (specific grade) provides you with the minerals. I wouldn't suggest it to anyone, but would do it again myself, if I had the will power to do it again....
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