Include my weigh in or wait?

Yesterday I was so sick to my stomach, I was afraid to eat. I had been hit with the stomach virus. I had a few pieces of toast with some butter and a 1/2 can of Pepsi. I only ate half my calories (actually not even half) for the day. Today, I'm not quite as sick to my stomach but I've got some lower intestinal ailments (TMI- I know!).

I weighed myself, and according to the scale I lost 3lbs. I'm almost positive it's because of my not eating yesterday or today and my lower GI issues.

Do I still include that in my weigh-in (today is weigh in day), or should I wait a few days since I'm sure I'll gain some weight back once I'm back to eating and fully hydrated?


  • powerstrokediesel
    heck ya! weight loss is weight loss how ever your shedding those pounds! : ) i had the flu a month or so ago and the same thing happened to me! i take it as a simple blessing . god bless
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    I'd wait a few days. Not eating for a day or so because of sickness is not actually weight loss but water loss due to dehydration. If you can, I'd skip the weigh in totally for this week and do it next Sunday. That will give you ample recovery time and then if you show a significant loss you'll know it's real.

    I hope you feel better, stomach viruses are awful!
  • stred321
    stred321 Posts: 48
    Personally I'd skip this weeks weigh in. Be gentle on yourself this week and as much as the 3lb weight loss is nice, its just an empty gut and water loss. Get well soon x
  • jmyers1230
    jmyers1230 Posts: 67 Member
    I usually wait a couple days until I'm eating back to normal and have been eating normally for a day or two. You would hate to put this weigh in as a "normal" weigh in when you know the cause was partially from being sick. It would make the next weigh in a bit disheartening since you wouldn't be able to have that much of a loss when you're eating normally again.

    Feel better!
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    I weigh in on weigh in day, regardless of how I've been feeling / eating, I can enter a note below the food diary that it just wasn't a normal day, it helps when I am compiling the data and can see yes I had a loss here, what did I do to deal with it, and gives me something to go oh yes I wasn't feeling well so the slower weight loss the next week was expected...
  • kwrecks
    kwrecks Posts: 82 Member
    I agree that weight loss is weight loss and you should be proud! BUT I also know that something like being sick can effect your weight loss, and it could be discouraging if you end up gaining next week, or don't lose as much as you'd like, because of the fact that you got back to feeling well and ate all your calories. So, if I were you, I'd put it in the back of your mind that you lost the 3, and wait to weigh in until next week. If you end up losing more, then awesome, if not, then you won't get discouraged.
  • rebeccawible
    3 lbs is great but unfortunately its probably mostly water loss. 1/2 a pepsi to drink I'm sure will dehydrate you. not to mention dehydration from diarrhea:sick: . I would wait a day of so then log it. feel better soon!!! :flowerforyou:
  • jennelle130
    I think I would skip it?? Just because after you get back to normal you will prob have a little gain if you do count it and that will just make you feel crummy... I would just start fresh next week and if you kept those few lbs off then you will have a really Great week!
  • davd422
    davd422 Posts: 17 Member
    Weigh yourself everyday no matter what the situation is. "Average your weekly weight to determine your weight loss or gain. Add Sunday-Saturday and divide by 7. The numbers will definetly flucuate on a daily bais for varies reasons "sick, just took a big dump, drank the night before, etc". Your daily stats will help guide what your doing wrong or right in future caloric decisions.
  • Tandksmommy11
    Tandksmommy11 Posts: 399 Member
    3 lbs is great but unfortunately its probably mostly water loss. 1/2 a pepsi to drink I'm sure will dehydrate you. not to mention dehydration from diarrhea:sick: . I would wait a day of so then log it. feel better soon!!! :flowerforyou:

    I'm almost sure it's water weight. I wasn't THAT good all week..haha. I needed the sugar from the Pepsi (we had no Gatorade) to make sure I didn't pass out from my hypoglycemia. I had been drinking water to stay hydrated (I didn't expect the Pepsi to do that).