p90x workouts - Someone help with calorie burn question Plea

I use a sports line HRM and Chest Strap combo - at 29 years old, 5'8, 186 lbs (lean muscular w/ large legs 186 with a little belly flab) - According to my Average heart rate of 150 BPM during a 60 minute Arms/Shoulders p90x workout - I burned 891 calories. This seems really high, because I don't feel like I burned that many - I don't burn that much with Pylo.

What do you think? Does that sound high? or Average? .... I am really confused. I am counting calories, and I don't want to allow myself to eat more then I should because of faulty HRM calorie burn calculations.



  • RissyKissy
    RissyKissy Posts: 18 Member
    I would go with what the HRM says. Next week when you do the same workout, compare it to today. There is the possibility that it was off today but there is also that possibility for plyo or any other day. So just do with the flow, if you are concerned about eating back too many calories today then maybe not eat them all back? Hope that helps.
  • socalg
    socalg Posts: 8
    I am on day 65 of P90X and have the same issue. Have lost lots of weight and am in much better shape, but a long way to go.

    I have a MIO Drive Heart Rate Calculator with Calorie burn on it. Most of the time I do a strength session on P90X it says 850 - 950 for the 60 mins. Problem for me is that during the short 30 second breaks between expercises, it keeps counting calories burned at the current heart rate. I am not sure it this the right way for correct calculations. I have started to hit stop on the timer between certain exercises to "stop" the calorie burn from going up. Again, not sure if this is right.


    Most of the P90x sessions are not really 60 mins if you count the warm up and stretch at the end. So maybe that is a place to start for a better calculation.
  • sjaudio
    sjaudio Posts: 52
    Problem for me is that during the short 30 second breaks between expercises, it keeps counting calories burned at the current heart rate. I am not sure it this the right way for correct calculations. I have started to hit stop on the timer between certain exercises to "stop" the calorie burn from going up. Again, not sure if this is right.


    Most of the P90x sessions are not really 60 mins if you count the warm up and stretch at the end. So maybe that is a place to start for a better calculation.

    You're still burning calories even when you are not "working out". When you take a short break between sets, your heart rate doesn't immediately drop back down to normal. Keep your HRM on and count the entire workout.

    If you really want to be super accurate, wear the thing for the entire day.