How social situations can affect your food choices

I was thinking this morning, after reading one of my MFP friends posts, about how social situations used to affect my food choices. The funny thing is that depending on who I was with, my eating habits could have been different.

A little background on me:
I used to be the easy going, go with the flow type person. The person with no formed opinion. Just wanted to make sure everyone around me was happy and having fun. I would sometimes adapt to the people around me and take on their opinions momentarily to ease certain situations.

I was afraid of conflict, wanted things to go smoothly and usually that meant putting my own personal wants and needs to the side for the sake of others.

Being that "people pleaser" that chameleon type, I wouldn't always do what was best for me. I would do what was best to keep the peace. I would do what was best to avoid conflict, and to keep others happy. In fact, if there was a choice between what was good for me and what was good for someone else... I would always choose what was good for someone else.

It really took me a long time to recognize this. In fact until I met my husband, I was that way my whole life. It really took someone who loved me, and cherished me to see that I was too selfless.... and yes there is such a thing.

Now this may not sound all that bad, but honestly I think that this mind set may have gotten me into the overweight predicament that I am currently in.

So getting to the original subject of this post....

Looking back I see now that the level of commitment I had to staying healthy and keeping at a reasonable weight was subjected to the insecurity of others around me.

I was a 6'0" tall woman who was thin, and well proportioned. I got a lot of attention from the opposite sex. I actually enjoyed being active and usually had lots of energy. I was confident of myself and self secure. I had many talents with music, and it was the center of my life. So what happened? How in the last five-six years did I put on 100+ lbs of weight?

Well this is my theory.....

Being that chameleon, that people pleasing person, when others would compliment me, and then make an insecure comment about themselves I would feel guilty. I would feel bad for that person, and take on their eating habits, or their "no working out" mentality.

I basically would choose them over me.

I have found in the last three months of my commitment to losing weight and being healthy again that there are some real personality struggles for me to deal with.

I struggle to stand my ground when I make a healthy choice and someone tries tear it down. I struggle to not let others eat away at the new mindset I have for myself.

But what I need to do, and what others out there like me need to do is rise above this. I have talked with others on this site who have the same issue.

We need to not let the insecurities of others run our lives. We need to take on a mindset of improvement and bettering of our lives.

We can draw a line in the sand and say "No more!" The first couple of times that I had to disagree with someone when they made a comment about what I was eating or my going to the gym, it was hard. But it gets easier and easier every time I assert my intentions.

This post is just a long winded way of trying to encourage others out there who may struggle with the same issues. It also helps affirm the decisions I have made for myself. It empowers me just to be writing this. I hope that this will give the courage to someone to stand up for themselves. To open up a mindset of "I choose me"

I choose me. I choose to better myself. I choose to finally put my needs above others for a time. I choose to make an investment in myself so that I can be in a better place to give to others.

Good luck to you all on your journey, whatever that may be. :-)


  • Charli666
    Charli666 Posts: 407
    well done for taking that step! best of luck to you
  • silveryflutterby
    Good for you! I struggle with the same issues sometimes, but I too have been working on putting myself first when I need to. I hate confrontation and don't want to cause problems with anyone, but I have learned that sometimes I have to speak up for myself and they just have to deal with it! haha.
  • gidjet11
    gidjet11 Posts: 86
    Well said! I have some of those people pleasing issues myself...And you are right, doing things for yourself gets easier with practice! Thanks for posting this!
  • brenda_71
    brenda_71 Posts: 151
    Good for you!! I'm a people pleaser as well, but since I have began this journey I have learned to put myself first and have gained confidence in every choice I make. But I owe God the glory for it!! :)
  • tlaker
    tlaker Posts: 82 Member
    I really know how you feel and where you are coming from...i deal with the same problems. I DID make the decision to really change my way of working out 3 months ago, and it was to become more involved in the fitness classes offered. I work at the gym but i always just went straight to the treadmill and did a Spin class on Saturday...but now i do the Step, Zumba, Burn N Sculpt, Spin, and Yoga classes all week so i'm constantly doing somthing from Mon-Sat. And going to the gym doesnt feel like a "chore" to me or something to just "get out of the way" for the is my ME time, my FUN time, and my social hour to see all my friends that always go to the classes too. But on the down side I will always have people thinking i'm obsessive..and yeah, i am trying to lose these last 10 lbs (already lost my first 20 by doing this) BUT i dont feel obsessive in an unhealthy way because i'm truely enjoying myself. People only notice me being obsessive because they SEE me doing it.....about 8 months ago people weren't seeing my other obsessive side, which was eating everything in sight, being depressed, and feeling sorry for myself. SO point that people are always going to think what they want...and the other day when my husband told me i'm spending way too much time at the gym, it really upset me and i did feel like maybe i should tone it back. But your post really inspired me and i'm just going to continue to do what I LOVE and when i feel burnt out i will take the break, but its going to be ME to decide and no one else :) Thanks for posting this...glad i'm not alone :) And good luck to the new you!!! if i can do it...anyone can!!
  • jazzhottie
    Good for you!! I'm a people pleaser as well, but since I have began this journey I have learned to put myself first and have gained confidence in every choice I make. But I owe God the glory for it!! :)

    I agree... God gives me the courage every day. :-)