1Week - Weight Loss Challenge (3/27/11 to 4/2/11)



  • ysamatar
    ysamatar Posts: 484 Member
    Back by popular demand - The 1 Week Only - Weight Loss Challenge! :happy:

    It is said that ANYONE can do ANYTHING for just 1 week.

    If you agree with that statement then that means that you CAN stay on a healthy diet and exercise program for 1 WEEK.

    If you believe you can do this - join me in a weight loss challenge that is geared to last ONLY 1 WEEK.
    This NEW challenge will begin Sunday, March 27th - and will end Saturday, April 2nd. :smile:

    The 'winner' will be determined by being the person with the biggest weight loss at the end of this challenge - on Saturday (4/2/11). There will be NO actual "prize" of monetary value for winning, but you will have the bragging rights of being the one who lost the most weight, and of course the prize of a healthier and smaller you. :smile:

    You are counted as a competitor in this challenge when you post your starting weight.
    * * REMEMBER this challenge starts early Sunday morning (March 27th) so post your starting weight then.
    Come back to this page Saturday (April 2nd) to post your ending weight and please add up the total number of pounds you lost for the week. :smile:

    All who wish to join me for this week are welcome. :happy:
    Thanks in advance for all who join me for this 1 Week Only - Weight Loss Challenge. Let the competition begin! :drinker:

    My starting weight Sunday March 27th _____
    My weight on Saturday April 2nd _____
    Total weight lost this week ____
    My starting weight Sunday March 27th __ 179.8
    My Weight on Saturday ___
    Total weight lost this week___
  • AmandaR910
    AmandaR910 Posts: 991
    So in!! Lost 4lbs last week (so this week may be rough lol).

    My starting weight Sunday March 27th _____
    My weight on Saturday April 2nd _____
    Total weight lost this week ____

    My starting weight Sunday March 27th 180.4lbs
    My weight on Saturday April 2nd _____
    Total weight lost this week ____
  • 1bellamorena
    1bellamorena Posts: 7 Member
    Starting weight 179.4! Sunday 3/27/11
  • WinningAt50
    WinningAt50 Posts: 35 Member
    Count me in!!!:happy:
    I'm in ..... here's the vital statistics:

    My starting weight Sunday March 27th - 315.0
    My weight on Saturday April 2nd _____
    Total weight lost this week ____
  • My starting weight Sunday March 27th = 222
    My weight on Saturday April 2nd = _____
    Total weight lost this week = ____
  • JosieMomGramma
    JosieMomGramma Posts: 727 Member
    March 27 starting weight for 1 week challenge = 246.6
    My weight at April 2 ___________
    My weight loss for the 1 week challenge ______
  • calmmomw3minimeez
    calmmomw3minimeez Posts: 499 Member
    3/27/11 - SW - 160.6
    4/2/11 - EW - _____
    Weight loss for the 1 wk challenge - ______
  • emariec78
    emariec78 Posts: 530 Member
    My starting weight Sunday March 27th = 164
    My weight on Saturday April 2nd = _____
    Total weight lost this week = ____
  • krklstephi
    krklstephi Posts: 182 Member
    My starting weight: Sunday, March 27-- 352.6 lbs
    My ending weight: Saturday, April 2--
    Total weight loss--
  • queenstatus
    queenstatus Posts: 267 Member
    Im so In!!!

    Starting weight March 27, 2011
  • Sanya77
    Sanya77 Posts: 172 Member
    My starting weight Sunday March 27th: 148.2
    My weight on Saturday April 2nd _____
    Total weight lost this week ____
  • ll31tCH
    ll31tCH Posts: 16
    im in! 290
  • smarie62
    smarie62 Posts: 22
    I'm in! Here's my stats:

    My starting weight Sunday March 27th: 291.2
    My weight on Saturday April 2nd _____
    Total weight lost this week ____
  • stred321
    stred321 Posts: 48
    Im in!! i'd really like a 3lb loss this week!!! Here goes...

    My starting weight Sunday March 27th: 136.5
    My weight on Saturday April 2nd _____
    Total weight lost this week ____

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Count me in! My starting weight Sunday, March 27th: 142lbs.
  • acmcoc
    acmcoc Posts: 125 Member
    Ok starting......293 as of this morning
  • queenstatus
    queenstatus Posts: 267 Member
    Sorry my weight as of 3/27/11 is 255.0
  • melkneec
    melkneec Posts: 309 Member
    My starting weight Sunday March 27th 216.2 lbs
    My weight on Saturday April 2nd _____
    Total weight lost this week ____
  • Kimkimba
    Kimkimba Posts: 173 Member
    I'm in. I've been having a hard time lately. Maybe this will help.

    My starting weight Sunday March 27th: 197
    My weight on Saturday April 2nd _____
    Total weight lost this week ____
  • sccamero
    sccamero Posts: 164 Member
    I am in. This will be my first challenge since I joined.

    My starting weight Sunday March 27th: 210
    My weight on Saturday April 2nd _____
    Total weight lost this week ____
This discussion has been closed.