Comments on my diet diary

Hey guys,

I know I've been logging for just 2 days but this is pretty much how I always eat (minus 6 spoons of peanut butter on a Saturday haha).

I still can't believe that if I exercise I have to eat all of my calories back..that's a lot of food! I am afraid to gain...any advice?

P.S. Feel like I'm developing this fear of food! :O


  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    Looks like you're eating excellent foods. Lean proteins, complex carbs, veggies. A+ there. You're eating more protein than MFP recommends, which is perfectly fine. I think most people do, since the default setting is so low. You can go into the Goals area and pick Custom, and change the ratios a bit to make a higher protein your typical daily goal, so you don't have to see that red number every day. Maybe 40/30/30 carb/protein/fat? You can play around and see what fits your taste.

    My one critique would be that you are on the low side as far as calorie consumption goes. Doing this for a while can be rough and unhealthy on your body. If you take in a few more calories in each meal, it should be easy to bring this number up without feeling like you're force-feeding yourself at the end of the day. There is tons of discussion about this every day. if you follow the link in my signature, it will bring you a few good threads on MFP about daily calorie goals and exercise.

    Food is energy. Food is life. Embrace it. Eat it. Love it!!!!
  • stephanien1
    I would not eat more just because u exercised. I try and somewhat follow the 6 week body makeover, but I have tweaked it to me as I did the whole 6 week body makeover thing once and found that I was wanting more.. I normally would eat a bit more but the last couple of days I have been working and not much time to eat..
  • andrwsmth
    You need to eat enough calories or else your body will start to eat your muscle as a replacement. Your body without working out needs anywhere from 900-1500 calories (depending on your weight) to simply allow your cells and organs to function correctly. If you are eating healthy foods, you will not gain weight back, if you have made a lifestyle change. Don't be afraid of food, it's a slippery slope that can lead you to places you don't want to go, my gf struggled with an eating disorder for a long time. You will be fine if you keep eating healthy and exercising. Your calorie content looks a little low, you should try eating a little more. As long as it's not junk food you don't have to worry! My gf and I are vegetarian/vegan and counting calories isn't as necessary since they are low, maybe that's something that would make you feel better?
  • LovelySnugs
    LovelySnugs Posts: 389
    yeah, i'm just gonna reiterate the previous poster who suggested (with gratitude to user taso42). you'll find the best information and advice on the subject there.

    and good luck!
  • vera4
    vera4 Posts: 2
    lots of good advice, thanks everyone...
    I'm new to this, I have done the fad diets but we all know how they work.
    I appreciate all your support.

  • epedchenko
    you guys are awesome! i feel lucky with so much support! thanks everyone!