no support!

hi all how are you today?

I was just wondering if anyone else gets no support from their family or loved ones and hoe you deal with it. I'm just kinda feel like I'm going it alone at the moment. my hubbyis worried I will leave if I change and my family just keep offering me junk food. l feel in a way like I'm battling them as well as mvy weight. am I the only one who feels this way?


  • bitty1taz
    bitty1taz Posts: 309 Member
    I know how you feel. As long as I'm plump all is well. But then I get to where I should be and my mother starts insulting me. Making anorexic jokes! I'm like...really. 125lbs is normal for a 5'5" person.
    So yeah...not sure how to help you deal with it except to just ignore it all. That's what I "try" to do.
    Your husband needs help getting over his insecureties if he thinks you will leave just because you lose weight. Losing weight doesn't have anything to do with not loving some one.
    The best of luck to you.
  • swt228hrt
    swt228hrt Posts: 16
    You are definitely not the only one who feels this way, I had to make sure I wasn't replying to my own post on this one. And I'm sure there are plenty more people out there just like us. You just have to keep telling yourself that you are on this journey for yourself first and foremost. If your loved ones aren't willing to help, there are lots of us here at MFP that are just the support and motivation you need. Good luck, and no matter what happens, keep coming back! We'll be here for you :)
  • cat3nv
    cat3nv Posts: 389 Member
    I have more support than I need. My in-laws have been telling me for years to lose weight. My daughter tattles to my hubby if I sneak a bite of something sugary.

    Don't get me wrong I am thankful my family is behind me, and they eat what I eat. I do not have to make a different meal for the hubby and the kiddos. If I did not have support I think I would go mad.

    Remember you have tons of support on this site. You can friend me if you like. Use the message boards to vent your problems, and we will do our best to offer assistance.
  • melon_e
    melon_e Posts: 58
    I felt that way too at the beginning, but now my family is making a change too. My husband never has trouble with weight, so I don't think he understood why it was such big deal for me. Once the weight started coming off, he realized how serious I was and he began to support me more. He has even started to watch his calorie intake too!! My parents have also seen my results and have now started changing their eating habits too. I hope your family comes around as well. Feel free to add me as a friend if you like :)
  • anakinlover
    anakinlover Posts: 109
    I am fortunate to have a great support system...people who love me no matter the size....My husband, who is glad I am making my health a priority, has always made me feel beautiful...I am sorry that you taking care of yourself and making you a priority is offensive to your husband and loved ones. Its weird how your actions can make put someone else out of their comfort zone. You keep on doing it for you...Don't let their insecurities keep you unhealthy. There is so much support on this site it is unbelieveble! Feel free to add me. You cannot have too many people in your corner. :flowerforyou:
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Welcome to the world of health. I hope you stay.
  • pam_355
    pam_355 Posts: 13
    I know how you feel, my husband loves junk food and its in the house all the time, and I find if the foods in the house I snack. And of course he never gains weight. Its very fusterating.
  • nachisdoll
    nachisdoll Posts: 192 Member
    I feel like sometimes my fam is more supportive of my then me of me.....
    Your at the right place right now for support but we also have to remember to support ourselves!!! (talking to myself!!!)
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I do get support from my husband (in the sense he looks after the children while I do classes), but none from my family. My parents and sisters think it's hilarious I run, and can't understand why I want to spend time running instead of being with my children (even though it's only 2 or 3 hours a week).
  • PamDW
    PamDW Posts: 246
    my husband is supportive... but at the beginning, I had to give him what for and let him know I was going to be obsessive about this quest... now he makes fun think jokes about me and he tolerates my grocery bills for the extra low cal food and gym schedule... leaving him with the kid duty... but I did have to talk to him.... maybe telling your husband the reasons why you want this... for me it was to get healthy... I am an older mom to my youngest and I want to be around to see all my boys come into their own... I want peace of mind that I have done everything I can for me to be healthy.
  • nachisdoll
    nachisdoll Posts: 192 Member
    explaining is often sooo helpful! my husband out of the goodness of his heart pushes food on people. He is just so happy to feed people! I have to explain to him that is often not a help but the opposite for me and others....
    but....sometimes people (often not because they are trying to be mean) will not be supportive no matter what....but reachiing out here for help is a great step! were all in the same boat and were here to help each other!