Help me lol :o)

Hi, Ive just signed up after seeing my sister has lost nearly 2 stone and Im just piling on the weight :o( I cant seem to stop bingeing in the evenings and would love some advice on healthy low costing meals and how others find it easiest to lose the weight :o) Thanks xxx Tracy xxx


  • LizWolter
    LizWolter Posts: 10
    For me, the easiest is to set your goal low. I had tried to lose at 2 pounds per week, but that's hard, and I feel like I'm always hungry. I've found that I do a lot better and surpass my goal when I try for only a 1/2 pound a week and I most days I don't use all my calories. Don't set yourself up to fail.

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • alanmonks
    alanmonks Posts: 115 Member
    Snacking is tough, but can be brought on by alot of things. If you find you are bored, then that is why you may binge. If you have alot of spare time in the night, do something. Take up a hobby, go for a walk etc.

    You need to find foods that you like that are filling, like wholegrains, eggs, fish, meat, fruit and veg etc. these foods fill you up for longer, which means, your not starving by the next meal. Eggs can be used as part of a mian meal or a snack in itself. Cut out teh crisps and choclate, they wont fill you and put unwanted sugar in your body. Drak chocolate is a must, its not as morish as milk chocolate, but will stop you snaking. Make sure it is 70%+ of coca solids.
  • Maidei
    Maidei Posts: 114 Member
    Well that depends on your eating habits the rest of the day. What happens when people skip meals or don't eat enough during the course of the day, you create a sort of deficit in your body and it will want to eat more/binge in the evening to make up for the lack of nutrition earlier on in the day. So to give you more accurate info I'd need to know your eating habits. Try eating more but low calorie meals during the day.

    But if you are eating normally during the day, try drinking more water and eating fiber rich foods to create that feeling of fullness. The human body actually has a hard time knowing the difference between hunger and thirst. So sometimes when you feel hungry you are actually thirsty but people overeat thinking they are hungry.

    And dieting is also a mental challenge. You have to train yourself to tell yourself you have had enough. Your body can't do it on it's own. It has to be a mental and physical effort. So if you know you eat too much in the evening, train yourself to think about food differently and control the binging. This will also help you succeed in long term weight loss if you have the right mind set towards food. Hope this helps some :)
  • amyleader101316
    Hi ya, I have suffered from binge eating for the last four years off and on. I understand how to eat healthily and what I need to do to loose weight. My main difficulty is that I end up eating when I am stressed, anxious, feeling a bit blue or just plain bored. So I have been learning very slowly how to deal with anxiety without taking out on myself. MFP has been a great support to me as I posted a blog explaining the situation and have made friends with others who understand. It has really given me the strength to keep trying even when I slip up. Good luck I am sure you will be fine. Add me as a friend if you want some support :)
  • agrossey
    agrossey Posts: 2
    The best thing you could do is get yourself out of the house and away from any food source.. i.e. the gym.. "out of sight, out of mind" type of thing.... then when your home, opt for early nights. If you are feeling peckish, grab a bunch of grapes or some sugar snap peas..
    Swapping meat for quorn will save you loads of calories and fat.. and dry frying food, or using the "one cal" cooking sprays will help.. but be prepared to scrub a burnt pan every evening.. I have found that blitzing up vegtable soups in the eveing, with a plain slice of Nimble bread makes a filling, simple and cheap supper.. easily digestable after hard exercise and when planning an early night.
    lastly remove all the naught food (except Jaffa cakes) from the house, and dont buy it.. it seems harsh at first, but after a while your get use to not having it about... bit like an ex-boyfriend...

    hope this helps xx
  • KBriggs09
    First, HI!!!! and welcome!

    This is an amazing community with lots of support and I wish you the best of luck!

    The changes can be extremely subtle and even things you don't realize right away, for instance are you a juice or soda drinker? Something as simple as switching to diet drinks (so you're not drinking your calories) can make a huge difference. You have to find a happy medium in your life so that you're making wise choices but not depriving yourself of things (this can help the evening binging as well).

    The calorie tracker is great for accountability. It truly is mind over matter and if you are honest with the tracker and you see what you're putting into your body, you'll begin to make those necessary changes. In terms of healthy foods, I love the site, it has some great healthy alternatives to some classic recipes (and some interesting new ones too!) Definitely incorporating more vegetables into your diet and just being conscientious about what you're eating.

    Again, you're in a great place and there are so many great people here with invaluable advice!

    BEST OF LUCK!! =)