Tell Me Something Surprising About Yourself



  • Gargoyle69
    Gargoyle69 Posts: 87 Member
    Guys, stop perving and tell us something surprising!

    You missed the previous posts then....hang with us.
  • IrishEyes68
    IrishEyes68 Posts: 31 Member
    I have interviewed Robert Ballard, the guy who discovered the wreck of the Titanic.

    Wow!! How fascinating! How did that happen and what was he like.
  • IrishEyes68
    IrishEyes68 Posts: 31 Member
    Steve Perry, former lead singer of journey, is my cousin.

    I am left handed but pretty much do everything rightie
  • halphord
    halphord Posts: 379 Member
    Married at 18
    Had my son at 19 (natural childbirth and he weighed 9 lbs, 7 oz)
    Divorced at 20
    Married at 22
    Widowed (suicide) at 23
    I felt like I was 100 years old!

    I also married at 18, had my first born at 19 and divorced at 20 (2 months after my sons birth). Married again at 25...still happily married. I am sorry to hear of you being widowed. :(
  • halphord
    halphord Posts: 379 Member
    Steve Perry, former lead singer of journey, is my cousin.

    And THAT is awesome. I love me some Steve Perry!
  • djthom
    djthom Posts: 651 Member
    I am a parront to two macaws...

    I had a pair of amazon parrots. One day my husband had too much to drink and decided to show off to his friends how friendly my blue front parrot was by sticking it's head in his mouth. Needless to say parrot freaked out and bit my husband in the back of his tongue. His tongue swelled up so much he could barely talk. He had to go to the doctors and explain what happened. The doctor just laughed and said "you should have cooked it before you tried to eat it." :laugh:
  • Xav8tor
    Xav8tor Posts: 23

    I am (potentially) going to be able to take a tiger cruise with my sailor son this summer!! I will be able to shadow my son for 4 days on a working aircraft carrier!! I am so freaking excited I could bust!!!

    I have done three of those with my son, fly to Pearl and then spend the last week of the West Pac with will love it. Unbelieveable experience.
  • farmbaby
    farmbaby Posts: 7 Member
    really? that's cool. neither have i!
  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    when i was 6 years old i levitated
    (laying on my back on the grass beside my grandmother's flower garden) i was so excited! i even glided up the grassy bank a lil and then back down again, watching the clouds as i did so, then i landed, then jumped right up to run and tell my mum. (though i used the word float, i was 6 after all *L*)
    When i told her what i had done she said 'oh shelly, you can NOT float'

    i was so upset! and so determined to prove her wrong. But when i tried to do it again all i could hear was her voice telling me i could not..and was never able to levitate again.
    To this day i still blame her for telling me it was impossible thereby making it impossible to do so again *L*
  • farmbaby
    farmbaby Posts: 7 Member
    i was just curious... but you said "mum"... are you from the uk?
  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    not really *S*.. but my grandmother was VERY english and i grew up in Bermuda (living with my grandparents til i was 6) (Bermuda is still very English in many ways *S* and still a british colony *S*) so i come by the habit honestly *L*
  • Delboy1961
    4 years ago on a whim I brought a saxophone on Ebay and taught myself to play and have been in a gigging band for 18 months

    I am writing a song but like the person who wrote the novels will probably never show it to anyone
  • BlindFaith
    *I'm English but I spell and pronounce things the "American" way.
    *I adore the black & white series of The Addams Family - if I could be anyone (living, dead or fictional) I would want to be Carolyn Jones' incarnation of Morticia Addams.
    *I have never ever been drunk, taken recreational drugs or smoked in my life. And I never will.
    *I love horror movies.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I've never used a lawn mower before.
  • DreaMartinez
    I shoot pool left handed, and can throw both left and right handed but am right handed naturally
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Until I was 25 I had never been to a MacDonalds, which was a good one, but then I was taken to one by a friend. I refused to go inside, though, and only ate apple fritters, so have never had the normal kind of MacDonalds food.

    I used to be a swan-herd? People always seem to think that's funny.
  • ahsongbird
    ahsongbird Posts: 712 Member
    I had three kids in 3 years all before I turned 20!
    i had my three b4 I was 21 haha
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,332 Member
    * I've majored in Astrophysics, Art (Illustration & Photography) and now Accounting. I joke that I'm slowly making my way through the alphabet. Lol
    * When I moved into my apartment last year, it was the first time I've ever lived alone.
    * I've been to 37 states (soon to be 38).
    *I still hold swimming and diving records at my childhood pool.
    * I had two teachers in 4th and 5th grade ask my parents if I was mute.
  • ohohraptor
    ohohraptor Posts: 205 Member
    Love this thread!

    I'm naked on the internet. (you asked for surprising!)
  • ohohraptor
    ohohraptor Posts: 205 Member
    * I've majored in Astrophysics, Art (Illustration & Photography) and now Accounting. I joke that I'm slowly making my way through the alphabet. Lol
