How to Deal with extra skin?

Hello everyone! My name is Katie. I have always been a med to bigger women and I have had two children... So needless to say no that I have lost 40 pounds I am having a few issues with stomach skin. Both physically and emotionally.

Physically, I am having trouble trying to figure out how to wear clothes correctly. I know that sounds silly, but it really bugs me. Both of my births were c sections so wearing my pants under that skin feels better both because of the scar and because I have a history of ahesions in my stomach tissue. It bugs me because of the way it looks when I wear it lowers than the skin. To me it looks like a person who is overweight and trys to were a belt on hole too tight and has the extra hanging over. I know that is probably really shallow of me.

Which leads to the emotionally...

Emotionally I have always struggled with my selfesteem. I am very proud of my weightloss but I seem to not notice the results beyond looking at the scale. My husband on a regular basis has to pull my extra skin back to make me feel better about my size. I have gone from a 18 to a 9/10 if it is under the skin, an 11/12 if it is over.

So what should I do? Does anyone else struggle or has struggled with this and has any suggestions?


  • SmartestRat
    I'm really interested in what others have to say on this. I really feel for you- I'm going through the same thing. I'm trying to get my weight down as much as possible before considering surgery. Like you, I had two babies via c-section and they stretched me way out.

    For now the best I can do is wear not-quite-lowrise pants (the Gap Essential jeans work pretty well for this) and Spanx (knockoffs from Target, really) when I wear dresses with thin fabric. The key is just to get the flap near the scar contained with your waistband.
  • kthom
    kthom Posts: 175
    The only way to get rid of the skin is surgery. Don't let that get you down you have done great!
  • nomorefatbitch
    I hear ya!

    My biggest problem is my bat wings - but they make me crazy.

    You SHOULD be very proud of yourself. You have worked so hard :)

    I know that there are surgical procedures out there, but I am guessing that they are EXTREMELY expensive.

    I wish I had some advice for you, but I don't :(

    Just wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS on all you have accomplished!
  • marielenrdz
    marielenrdz Posts: 52 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. I have excess stomach flab that I'm trying to whittle off. I've had four pregnancies and got HUGE with each one...not because of diet, but because my uterus expands so much! Seriously, my OBGYN holds up my placenta in amazement after each delivery!!

    As a result, my stomach is FAR from flat! My belly button is hidden in a fold and I wish I could just pull up my shirt and see my belly button without have to pull up and down on the flab! I'm currently 146lbs and a tight, but comfortable sz 8 causes the same muffin top you describe. I rely on Spanx to help me out in that area....I even use the cheaper wal-mart cupid brand tighties to control the rolls. I'm gonna fake it till I make it, so to speak. For now, as long as I look good in my clothes, who cares how I look naked? My hubby loves me as I am and kisses my flabby tummy all the time and whispers "Its beautiful because my babies came from there!"

    I'm still working on it, but I'm coming to realize that I'll never be perfect and that's okay.
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    I know exactly how you feel!!! I hate my stomach!! with my daughter I gained 45lbs and I got covered in stretch marks and now my stomach just looks disgusting, and I have a lot of loose skin, I think when I am doing some type of strength training it looks better but when i stop it kind of goes back to the way that it looked before I started. I know it sucks but i guess we just have to get used to it and try to shop for clothing that doesnt make you feel self conscious....Like in summer I usually only wear dresses in the summer and i wear really loose tops to try to camoflauge, just try not to worry so much about it!
  • Kittieshocinski
    Kittieshocinski Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks Guys!!! It feels good to know I'm not the only one struggling with this.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I plan on having surgery to remove all excess skin from any areas of my body that need it, or building up muscle in the areas I can to "fill" the extra skin.
  • saychzzz
    saychzzz Posts: 69 Member
    It does seem to get a little bit better as you exercise more. When I hit 50 pounds the skin under my chin was horrible! I've been exercising and I'm beginning to notice it's not quite as loose as it was. Some of it will never go away but over time the body does pull in a little of it. Hang in pun intended!!:tongue: It's still better than having fat fill the skin up!:ohwell:
  • fcrisswell
    fcrisswell Posts: 234 Member
    One word...Girdle


    After lsoing as much as I did....I wear one everyday. To look at my pic (that is pre-baby....need to lose 20 more to get back there) would never know what I was hiding under those clothes.