has anyone on here been in the military

mccorml Posts: 622 Member
and can you give me details about boot camp and stuff kinda on the fence about joining and all that


  • ljbrauer
    ljbrauer Posts: 62
    what branch? i was in the air force for six years.
  • mikeylikesit1177
    I'm currently on Active Duty in the Air Force. What branch are you thinking about joining.
  • Mellissande
    My husband is Army, I'll send him a link
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    Bootcamp isn't that bad. The true test isn't if your physically fit, but whether can you withstand someone in your face all the time doing what they tell you. Basically, can you hold up in a high stress environment.

    13 year's active duty Army...still serving.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Boot camp isn't really what you need to worry about. What you should worry about whether or not you'll survive going to war. I can email you an essay my husband wrote about his experiences as a Marine in Fallujah if you want.
  • Swilson87
    Swilson87 Posts: 139
    10 years Army. Most people fear " Basic' but that is the least of your worries. Sure it's designed to be more than you can handle initially. However, just like everything else you adapt. Like several other have said, the things most people don't know to prepare for are stress, and mind games. You have to develop the ability to not take things personally. It's all designed to make you say 2 words, "I Quit!" If they get that out of you, they've weeded out a weak link. You won't do many things right, and you'll pay dearly. The friendships you develop will take you through it all.
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    Alot of it is maturity and being well aware of what you're getting into. Some people have "the calling" to serve their country. Some cannot get past all of the discipline and rules, because anyone who has done a couple of years can tell you that there's some serious BS on a daily basis, especially when you're not deployed.

    Once you've been in for a while, the pay and way of life become better. There are alot of additional benefits of being active duty. Free physical training is one of em.
  • angelicpiece101
    angelicpiece101 Posts: 40 Member
    my husband was in the army for a few years. nows not the greatest time to be joining tho, they have done away with bonuses even, and they are at 104% for their capacity so job/MOS choices aren't necessarily the greatest either. and right now the govt hasnt even decided on a budget for our military so we may not even get paid come the 1st, but active duty military will be required to still go into work, still deploy, and still do specific missions without pay till it gets settled. You can basically expect to deploy at least 2 times in a 3yr contract. As for boot camp, things have lightened up a lot in the past few years, they say it isnt as bad as it was when my husband was in it. its long hours tho, lots of hiking and work on your body, but im sure you are expecting that. There is mass punishment(when one person messes up everyone pays for it in basic) tho. Its a lot of being told what to do, and doing it specifically their way......in plain just a bunch of bull, and my husband always says you dont want to go in as the "low man on the totem pole" bc they treat you like crap till you get rank. We recently(about a week ago) had my husbands brother join the army, so my suggestion to you is if you're serious about going in its best to have someone whos already in or have been in to go with you to the recruiters so they dont feed you a bunch of crap(which they do) and to help you go up in rank. One thing I remember my husband complaining about in basic was the gas chamber. But, from the mouth of my husband he says he'd rather go thru basic any day then deploy, as basic is so much easier. well good luck with your decision! and stay safe if you choose to join! :)
  • mccorml
    mccorml Posts: 622 Member
    im not sure which branch i wanna join im thinking army but idk im not sure about the running aspect im a terrible runner the farthest ive run is like a mile ever i can handle people in my face and stuff and im not sure which branch to join i got an 87 on my asvab but im sure that doesnt mean anything when it comes down to it
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    When I joined I had never run a mile in my life. Your longest run in basic is likely to be 4 miles. They know that they can't take you from zero to hero in 8 weeks so while it won't be easy, it will challenge you. Trust me when I say there will be someone who's more out of shape than you are. As long as you're faster than the slowest couple of guys/gals you'll be off the drill sergeants radar.

    Deployments are humbling. No matter how much they suck, you're with your brothers and together you all make the best of it. It's hard to explain.

    If you're unsure of the service to join, think in a general sense. The Army and Marines are ground forces...the Navy are maritime and the Airforce have the best conditions of all the services. There are exceptions but this is the general rule of thumb.

    If you're thinking about it, I say do it.
  • mkspriggs
    mkspriggs Posts: 26 Member
    I aswell am active duty now 6 years as combat arms in the army. Just make the decision that you really want to do something different with your life and you will do well. most the people that join these day dont last anymore. make sure it will benefit you and it is the commitment you want, good luck man.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    im not sure which branch i wanna join im thinking army but idk im not sure about the running aspect im a terrible runner the farthest ive run is like a mile ever i can handle people in my face and stuff and im not sure which branch to join i got an 87 on my asvab but im sure that doesnt mean anything when it comes down to it

    If you're "not sure" don't go for the Marine Corps. Don't choose the Navy unless you think being on a ship or sub for months is enjoyable. Don't go Air Force unless you're good with technology.

    Is there a specific reason you want to join the military? Because you'd better have a good one. And it had better not be for the benefits.
  • mccorml
    mccorml Posts: 622 Member
    im not sure which branch i wanna join im thinking army but idk im not sure about the running aspect im a terrible runner the farthest ive run is like a mile ever i can handle people in my face and stuff and im not sure which branch to join i got an 87 on my asvab but im sure that doesnt mean anything when it comes down to it

    If you're "not sure" don't go for the Marine Corps. Don't choose the Navy unless you think being on a ship or sub for months is enjoyable. Don't go Air Force unless you're good with technology.

    Is there a specific reason you want to join the military? Because you'd better have a good one. And it had better not be for the benefits.

    ive always had it on my mind and yah im great with technology plus my parents said try college out for a year and if i wanted to join then i could well my year is almost over and i dont feel right here i need to get this youthful energy out of me not ready for more school yet and i want a job where im using my hands and outside
  • T_R_A_V
    T_R_A_V Posts: 1,629 Member
    I am a 12 yr MSgt active duty Air Force now...

    As long as you are fit enough for the requirements its cake....most of it is all a mind *kitten* and its cake if you can block it

    And not hating to other branches at all, but if you are going to join make sure its the Air Force
  • hjsyndrome
    hjsyndrome Posts: 215
    I was in the Navy from 88 - 92. The Navy boot camp was easy, not a lot of physical training. We did see quite a bit of pool time tho. My dad was in the Army, and he said that all bootcamp is to see if they can break you. Its mostly mental. Like someone said, its just to see how you handle stressful environments.

    Good luck on finding the right fit for you. Dont listen to the recruiters, they are used car salesmen (well mine was anyway). Stick to your guns and get a good school.

    And thanks to the rest of you that served and that are still serving.
  • zave
    zave Posts: 238
    I was in the Air Force. Worked out great for me. Also you might want to look into the Coast Guard.

    Good Luck!
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    USMC 4 yrs '72 to '76.

    Marine Corps boot bamp is much more difficult than other services, but once you're through it you feel like you can accomplish anything.

    Semper Fi.