New and looking for support!

I signed up to this site awhile ago and forgot all about it. I now sit here weighing as much, if not more, than I did back then. I have over 100 pounds to lose and feeling sad and hopeless. I have 2 young daughters and recently I've been feeling that life is passing me by, and I'm missing the time that I could be spending with them because of my weight. I'm ashamed of how I look and I avoid going out. I just keep thinking, if I had more energy, if I was happy with the way I looked, I would be out playing with them and doing things with them. What kind of childhood am I giving them?! Tee ball is going to be starting this Summer and I can't keep making excuses of why I can't go. I live in a small town, and feel like everyone is talking about how much weight I have gained. I can't avoid everyone forever, I need to do something about my weight now.

I'm currently in nursing school and I know all about what I'm doing to my body, and the diseases that come with being obese! I am an addict, just like someone who is a smoker, a drinker or a drug user knows what they're doing is affecting their health. Tomorrow is Monday and I will wake up in a new frame of mind. Determined that I will no longer feel this way. I plan on coming here and tracking every bite that goes into my mouth. I will do some form of exercise everyday.

If you have made it this far....thanks for reading and letting me vent. Some things just need to get out and I used this post as my outlet. I would love to make some new supportive friends, since I really don't get that here at home. Thanks again.



  • JensueFerrell
    JensueFerrell Posts: 14 Member
    Welcome Kristy,

    This site is great! Log all your meals & exercise & it will really help you to realize what you are putting into your body. The support from everyone on here is great as well.

  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Holy cow...your 1st paragraph sums my life in a nutshell!!! I also have 2 daughters and am very ashamed of myself!!! I have a hot husband who in turn has a fat wife!!! I am sick of being fat!!!! If you want a "buddy" drop me a line cuz I could sure use some encouragement!!!

  • cacrat
    cacrat Posts: 336 Member
    Like they say in other groups, acceptance is the first step. With that kind of determination you'll make it. Just know that this isn't just going to come over night. It took a long time to become the person you are today and it may take a long time to make it back. Everyone here is looking forward to seeing you succeed, in whatever way you want that to happen. Keep fighting the good fight and we'll be here to help you along the way.
  • LeslieRoyale
    LeslieRoyale Posts: 331 Member
    Hi Kristy,
    Thank you for sharing and being so honest. It IS an addiction, people just don't get that!
    I'd love to be one of your supporters, sending you a request!

    Be proud of yourself for making this step...and leave that shame where it belongs, behind you :flowerforyou:

  • Illuminate
    Hi Kristy! I recently joined MFP as well and I love it. I need to lose 30 pounds and have felt overwelmed and hopeless before too. Then I realized I could do something to change it. You have already taken the first step by joining this website so congratulate yourself. Take it day by day. If that's too long meal by meal. Feel free to add me for encouragment along the way. Remember, If you believe you can you can.
  • luvcookie
    luvcookie Posts: 97
    Hi,I joined this site also way back and just forgot about it mainly because i also forgot to excerise or forgot what i was eating and didnt let anything or anyone worry me....but...January this year i said enuff is enuff ...its been very hard for me as i dont have much willpower, i find it very hard for me to say NO to food but im hoping with the support of friends n this site i will break through that....I would love to become friends with you and maybe we can help each other along the way ...meals are my biggest problem also as i never know what to be cooking that will be good meals for us, I have a son who is 17 and a girl almost it would be great to have meals that we can all enjoy....Tomorrow is a new day ,a new week and a long journey for us but i know we can do it ....Thanks.Joanne
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    I know exactly how you feel about your life passing you by. I can't even count how often I pass up an opportunity or deny myself b/c of my weight. This summer I was out watching a band with a friend. We were both dancing and jumping around like maniacs and then I saw an overweight woman dancing nearby. I thought "OMG, is that how I look?" I didn't stop dancing, but I sure did tone it down. It's such a horrible feeling, but I'm determined to change my lifestyle. Joining this website has been great--I'm sure you will have much support and success. Feel free to friend me :smile:
  • jojonesnz
    jojonesnz Posts: 107 Member
    thankyou for sharing something that alot of people hide from! and i read on someones comment that acceptance is the first step, and i agree with thta completely, i was like you also i had joined a little while ago and was doing really well and then it all just fell away and last week i decided i was getting sick of my excuses!
    i dont have as much weight to lose as you and dont have children as my motivation so i have made it all about me:) I want to get fit and healthy so when i have kids it is easier to bounce back:)

    good luck and keep up with the hard work!
    most off all if you have a bad day just pick up the next day where you left off with your diet plan, a lot of people have one bad day and punish themselves but we are all human and are going to hit some bumps on our road to success:)

    good luck
  • krisb921
    krisb921 Posts: 7
    Wow!! I just have to say thank you to all of you. I can already tell that the support here is wonderful and is just what I need! I'm looking forward to sharing my weight loss with all of you. I am Determined to be Healthy and I will be here everyday supporting others, just as you are supporting me. Thanks for taking the time to make me feel like I'm not alone and that I CAN do this. THIS FAT WILL NOT DEFEAT ME!!! :)
  • GeekMomma42

    I totally understand when you said that you feel like life is passing by. I have two daughters the same age as yours, and I have to tell you last summer was the laziest summer of my life. We didn't do anything ... no beach, park, etc. This summer, I want things to be different. I have a long way to go too, but I feel so much better about myself since I started this journey. Tracking what I eat has been eye opening and makes me stay the course. But key was finding people to support me. My DH is ok with the support; however, having the enthusiasm of others going through the same things I am has been wonderful. I would love to join your support team and encourage each other on this journey. I'll send you a friend request. Good luck.
  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member
    Thank you so much for sharing, it's definitely a step in the right direction. Welcome to MFP, we are so happy to have terrific people like you on here. If you need any support, I'm happy to be there for you. Sending you a friend request now:) You're gonna love it here!
  • anita_elsakhawy
    I lost 75 pounds before finding this site. Wish I had found it earlier. It is very theraputic to be able to just throw your feelings out there. 1, once you write them you can either clear them from your head or focus on doing something about them 2. it's GREAT to always get some encourage and or helpful feedback that relate directly to your feelings.

    Only people that have alot of weight to lose understand other people going thru the same things!!

    GOOD LUCK.. and just stick with it!!!
    YCARTLEE Posts: 7
    I'm new here too and am loving it already! There's such an awesome support system here and you are completely free to vent and be real. :) Let's do it!