Reasons for losing weight?

I am from New Zealand and have always had a issue with my weight. I am having problems with my monthly since the kids, 2 c'sers and i have problems with the device they used to help me. I need hysterectomy (spelt wrong sorry) but due to my weight they give me one. Now alot of my weight issues are related to this problem. weird aye,

But my incentive to lose weight is to get my OP. And for a better life with my family and most important for myself.

Post what your reasons are if u have any and any ideas for easier process


  • Samerah12
    Samerah12 Posts: 610 Member
    No, you spelled it right!

    I want to lose weight because I really need a goal. Recently I graduated from school and since then I have felt like too many things are too far out of my control. I needed and anchor and this was as good as any! Maybe better than most actually.

    Best of luck to you! I don't have any tips other than hold on tight to the reason you're doing this so you won't lose your motivation.
  • Aylilth
    Aylilth Posts: 125
    For me t started out with this ***** DR. who told me I had to have banding. She was very pushy about it like she got $ for referrals type thing

    Nothing wrong with banding but I hadn't given the weight loss thing a good go, so I wanted to prove her wrong and that I can do it w/o surgery.

    But now it's morphed into I want this for me.
  • sbear867
    sbear867 Posts: 249 Member
    thats a bad doc, she should know better. Im so proud to see you are trying the old fashion way first. A good doc knows surgery and medication for weight loss are topics only after the patient has given diet and exercise a go. I'm in your same boat, but my doc told me he wants to see an average of 6 lbs a month go over the next 6 otherwise he will refer me to a nutrionalist and then the dreaded other options.
  • Wolffeathers
    To live a long life. And, a bit vindictively, to see my ex-wife after I drop a hundred pounds.
  • spaboleo
    spaboleo Posts: 172
    I just don't feel good in my skin.
    I'm insecure or self-conscious and that is holding me back in all-day situations.

    I feel as if I have already missed on so many things in life that I really want to stop it.

    As a child I loved to go swimming in the summer, nowadays I avoid the beaches or taking off my cloths at all.
    That's the reason I didn't learn surfing (waves, wind, kite), scuba-diving or rowing yet.

    Another one:
    I usually wear cloths that hide my muffin tops. If I can't (like when wearing a business shirt in meetings) I feel insecure.
    Even if I know it's stupid...I think that everybody is starring at me and thinking "oh god, what a looser...he can't even get rid of this...why should he be able to do XY".

    I want that to stop once and for all. :smile:
  • imgettinphat
    I have numerous reasons
    1. I have had more health issues than my grandmother who is nearly 80
    2. I am tired of "living" through my daughter when it comes to shopping for clothes. Darn it,I want to look cute too.
    3. My husband just got caught talking for the 4th time to the woman he had affair with and well I realize until I get some self esteem I am going to allow that type of thing to happen
    4. I want to liveeee not exist.
  • heather7marie
    heather7marie Posts: 506 Member
    I have multiple reasons for wanting to lose weight. Diabetes runs in my family, so that is my main reason. I want to be healthy. My sister is very overweight and I want to set a good example for her, so she'll hopefully change her ways. It's hard to be much of an influence living a couple states away though.

    I'm single and have no desire to be in a relationship right now, but someday down the road I would love to get married. I want to feel like a princess on my wedding day, not a whale.

    I want to be able to run without feeling like I'm going to have a heart attack.

    I want to prove to all of the naysayers that they were wrong.

    I could probably go on and on and on... LOL
  • heather7marie
    heather7marie Posts: 506 Member
    4. I want to liveeee not exist.

    I love this!!!
  • imgettinphat
    4. I want to liveeee not exist.

    I love this!!!

    Thank you :)
  • spaboleo
    spaboleo Posts: 172
    4. I want to liveeee not exist.

    I love this!!!

    Love that one, too :smile:
    I could write that on my flag aswell :wink:
  • Rollyrover
    Rollyrover Posts: 68 Member
    I was doing really well but in Sept we had a big earthquake 7.1 and was very scared and my kids were too. Eating got out of control totally and was just getting back into a routine when 5 months later we got hit with another 6.3 which killed people and many injured and just ruined my eating habits again. I live 15 minutes from Christchurch< new Zealand and it was the scariest thing to live through. Where is everyone else from?
  • heather7marie
    heather7marie Posts: 506 Member
    I was doing really well but in Sept we had a big earthquake 7.1 and was very scared and my kids were too. Eating got out of control totally and was just getting back into a routine when 5 months later we got hit with another 6.3 which killed people and many injured and just ruined my eating habits again. I live 15 minutes from Christchurch< new Zealand and it was the scariest thing to live through. Where is everyone else from?

    Oh no. I am so sorry you had to experience that. :frown: I've felt several earthquakes, but none have been more than a 5.0 and even that was terrifying for me. I can't even imagine (nor do I want to) experiencing one that strong! We have really bad storms/ tornadoes quite often, but thankfully those generally come with a warning.

    I am from Indiana, USA but I moved to Tennessee a few years ago.
  • Aylilth
    Aylilth Posts: 125
    I was doing really well but in Sept we had a big earthquake 7.1 and was very scared and my kids were too. Eating got out of control totally and was just getting back into a routine when 5 months later we got hit with another 6.3 which killed people and many injured and just ruined my eating habits again. I live 15 minutes from Christchurch< new Zealand and it was the scariest thing to live through. Where is everyone else from?

    I've seen all about the quakes :frown: I'm over here in Aus.
  • AprilTaurus
    I lost my mom at a young age. She did not make it to 50 because of health problems that were related to inactivity and not taking care of herself. I recently lost my grandmother and I feel that if she was active and ate better and just took better care of herself overall, she would still be here.

    I want to look better in clothes. I have always wanted to wear a pair of short shorts:) I have always been slim, but I have always have had a bunch of cellulite on my thighs so the shorts just ride up :/

    I want to be stronger and healthier and set a great example for my daughter.

    Seems like I gained 30 lbs overnight after I finished undergrad and was unemployed and it has to go!
  • Rollyrover
    Rollyrover Posts: 68 Member
    my mum died in Nov 09 after a short battle with lung cancer stage 4 when they found it. I put on so much weight and i was feeling so depressed after loosing the one and only person i loved more then mu husband and kids. i love my dad too but its just different with dad for me. i promised myself i would try hard and then i found out alot of things and it changed my way of thinking.
    Being big all my life and depression and family issues all contribute to my overweightness , im gonna do it im determined to prove to myself that i can do it
  • cenafan
    cenafan Posts: 398 Member
    Vanity? LOL it's actually a big part of it. I want to wear cute clothes. I want to shop in the "normal" size stores. I was to be able to walk proud with my friends in Vegas.

    I also want to get healthier. To be able to run and play with my nephews and nieces without getting winded. I want to run a 5KM. I want to do well at the Dirty Girl Run in August. I want to be happy. And I am not happy in this skin right now.
  • bbb84
    bbb84 Posts: 418 Member
    1. My "baby" brother is 16 and weighs about 290 lbs. I want to show him the right way to lose the weight and keep it off and I want him to see it can be done. Parents won't talk about his weight, but I love him and someone has to.

    2. Me! I am tired of being sick and tired. I want back my confidence and stamina. I used to be a beast on the softball field, now I'm calling for a runner after only a double.

    3. My best friend who is completely cocky bc she spent thousands of dollars to pay and join a weight loss program with b12 shots, appetite suppressants and like 800 calories a day. I want to show her I can match her progress and I will keep it off longer and hopefully show her a thing or two once that I have learned.

    4. I want a family. I don't want to risk losing a child or having an unhealthy one because I can't get my act together.
  • KayleesTryin
    KayleesTryin Posts: 37 Member
    So very many reasons...

    I want to be happy in my skin. I want to be able to go into any store and buy any outfit that catches my fancy, not to take one look and say that wouldn't look good on me...

    I want to be the wife that my husband is proud to have on his arm. (Not that he isn't, he is fantastic and loves me unconditionally, my issues are on my own.)

    And the big one - I have a 2 year old daughter. How can I teach her to be proud of herself, to love herself, to take care of herself, if I can't show her that I can do the same. I want to raise a confident happy woman and in order to do that I have to believe that I can do it myself.
  • Noctuary
    Noctuary Posts: 255
    I need to lower my A1C numbers (my blood sugar levels) I have Diabetes.
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    because i am fat, and i am embarrassed of myself.

    i'm sure my kids will be embarrassed of me in the near future when they are a bit more aware.

    i hate shopping, couldn't fit into normal clothes.

    and because i was depressed and lacking in energy every day simply because of my weight.

    since losing my first 10kg, i feel a world better than before, i have more energy, i am more positive, i can fit into normal clothes off the shelf again. so now i just want to get fit and healthy and get back to my pre-pregnancy weight.

    once i reach there, i want to keep going for the weight i was 10 years ago.