portion help?

ive made pasta bake for dins? in the food diary it says 100g wd this be an average bowl?


  • dcmat
    dcmat Posts: 1,723 Member
    You could always weigh it! 100g for pasta bake will not be very much.
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    100 grams equals 3.5 ounces.. 3.5 ounces is about the size of a bar of soap
  • ashey1
    ashey1 Posts: 36
    gahh bad meal choice i tk...
  • fightingfatt
    no where near a bowl im afraid :o(
    weigh it to be sure but probably 2 - 3 tablespoons
  • ramseyrose
    ramseyrose Posts: 421 Member
    Why not put the whole recipe into the recipe calculator and divide it by number of servings - when I do this I dont count my 8 year old as he doesnt have a full portion. There are 5 of us but I put servings as 4.

    As others have said 100g will be minute but then again you could have salad or veg with it. :smile:
  • ashey1
    ashey1 Posts: 36
    thanks i was thinking of doing a greens salad with it, does 100g mean cooked past?
  • ramseyrose
    ramseyrose Posts: 421 Member
    Are you in the UK. You can get Rosemary Conley Portion pots from the website and are really useful. They also do a magic measure for keeping track of measurements.
  • CallousMalice
    Screw all that gram/tablespoon crap. Get yourself a lean cuisine meal or something, right..... eat it all, wash out the little plastic thingie in comes in, and then use that as a visual guideline to measure out your portions. Things don't have to be exactly 100g or whatever.... as long as it comes within acceptable perimeters of a portion you should be alright. Measuring everything is lame and wastes too much time.
  • ashey1
    ashey1 Posts: 36
    im in n.ireland? were do ya get the portion pots?