Starting again

I am hoping that this time I can stick to it!


  • leighlloyd22
    I am a also a "restarter"..... good luck! hopefully this app works!
  • jeepzilla
    jeepzilla Posts: 201
    I having been using it since january and I have lost 17lbs so far was 225 now 208 I feel amazing!!! just stay focused and do what your suppose to do and in the end it will be all worth it!!!!!!
  • mitts1970
    mitts1970 Posts: 56
    Hi - I'm a re starter too :) Welcome and feel free to friend me - we can help each other stick with it!

  • whodatgrl
    whodatgrl Posts: 111
    alot of us are, everyday its a choice we have to make to stay dedicated and eat and exercise the right way, the way we know we should; I tell myself I can do this, Im worth it and my family are worth it too. The support is here and its amazing let us support each other, WE CAN DO THIS :) Good luck....Im a restarter as well