It's Laura (My Journey to a New me...)

I have had a very bad last few days and totaly gave up and gave in. I decided to delete my whole account and start new. I have doen this SO many times with so many programs I am embarrased to say. I even looked at a few new websites the last few days but kept looking back here.

I am hoping the friends I had on the old account find me again as they were so motivating and I hope I can find new ones as well.

I am deteremined to stick to this plan and this site. I know someone from here who has had great success and am hoping to follow in her footsteps. I go....................AGAIN.



  • carolinenp
    carolinenp Posts: 125 Member
    you can do it!!
  • dianaw819
    dianaw819 Posts: 20
    You can do it!! It sounds like we are similiar. While I didn't delete my account....I leave for large periods of time and then come back. This is really a great site with great people for motivation. Feel free to add my as a friend...we can keep each other on track :). Good luck!!
  • MaryDreamer
    MaryDreamer Posts: 439
    You're back you can do it this time! The first time I joined (Dec 2010) I never used the program. I came back and began using it on Jan 25th and am SO HAPPY I did! Best wishes to you!!! Don't give up!
  • vodkaswigger
    Its my first day, ive been trying for 2 years and failing, I am here for support and chats ect if you need an ear, you can do it laura xx
  • alittle99
    alittle99 Posts: 37 Member
    Hey- I just wanted to let you know that I am RIGHT there with you- I have had a terrible weekend and in the past I have gone a month or so where I didn't log in because I ate so embarrassingly badly. Going through these cycles/waves SUCK and can be super depressing. I have not gone and deleted my account to start over, but just yesterday I changed my log-in name and began to reach out to the Community here on MFP.

    I strongly believe with the right support group and enough encouragement that you CAN do this. It takes 2 weeks to develop/break a habit, so really just push through the next couple of weeks/weekends, and I really think you'll be surprised the results you get and the lifestyle changes you can make.

    Like I said, I am new to this (I think I have two "friends" as of last night), but please feel free to reach out to me if you'd like. Have a great day!!
  • d_smith85
    d_smith85 Posts: 94
    I love ya girl! you can DO THIS! <3 You can always talk to me if you have any vents/rants/questions/tears <3
  • RunningforJesus25
    Hey girl! I'm right there with ya! I have deleted my an account and I just started a new one yesterday. I am constantly going on different "plans" and NOT sticking to any of them. It can be super discouraging, but I'm ready for a lifestyle change. So I'm going to start sincerely tracking and eating right...I'll add you and we can help each other. We can do this for ourselves!!!