OK, I give up! What am I doing wrong? PLEASE HELP!

RockVixen Posts: 63 Member
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
OK, so I'm approaching 30 and I can tell. My body just does not work the way it used to. However, I thought basic science and math should still apply but apparently not. OK Since I have had a baby this is the second time I've tried to lose weight. Yes, I have come a long way. I was over 200 lbs when I had my daughter and quickly got down to about 185 pretty easily. When I tried this before I got down to 163 lbs by watching calories and lightly exercising. However, then I went on vacation with my family and it came back on faster then I was eating it! It's like I was eating twice as many calories. I was still walking and active the entire week as well. But by the time that trip was over I had gained 10 lbs! I guarantee you I did not eat 3500 x 10 calories over my resting metabolism rate in that time and I was walking at least 10 miles a day!

I was pissed and gave up and by the time the holidays were over and it was time to start a new year I had gotten back up to 185 lbs! When I started MFP I was at 179 lbs. Got side tracked in February and came back in March at about 175. 2 Fridays ago my weigh in was at 169 lbs. Then came my anniversary and a cake for my dogs birthday and a bad weekend. I did go over probably half of the days between. Some days I was over by about 800 and others by just a little. I also had to stop 30 Day Shred because I injured my ankle but I stayed lightly active and on my good days stayed at about 1200 calories like MFP said to. So why after one bad week am I back up 2.5 lbs and a few inches! The days I ate at my 1200 calorie limit should have counter acted the bad days! and I know I did not eat 7000 calories over my resting metabolism rate! Maybe I'm wrong, maybe my resting rate has bottomed out and I don't know it? What am I doing wrong? My body doesn't work at all like it used to and I am completely confused! PLEASE HELP!


  • Jillk1023
    Jillk1023 Posts: 121 Member
  • sharonuk10
    sharonuk10 Posts: 277
    I am no expert and don't usually answer these questions but I had a quick look at your diary and apart from being over in calories you are also over in Sodium. Sodium makes you retain water. So try cutting back on that AND drink plenty of water.
  • CKMama81
    CKMama81 Posts: 50
    This isn't going to be much help...however, I am in the same boat. It feels like my body has to constantly be UNDER my calorie goals as well as working out 7 days a week...or I gain 2-3lbs. It's so tiresome. I wish I had an answer...but I don't. But I'm more than willing to offer you support and let you know you're not alone. Btw, I'm approaching 30 too...come September lol
  • saldridge
    saldridge Posts: 125 Member
    Often, when you eat bad foods, you are also eating tons of sodium. I noticed that on Mondays my weight is often much higher than it should be, but by Tuesday/Wednesday morning all the sodium and the related water retention is flushed out and I am usually bad to what I was before the bad eating.

    Try not to weigh yourself the day after a trip like that, but give it another day. Or if you must, then just keep in mind that potentially, there is a lot of water weight.
  • It's not always all about the calories. Are you drinking enough water? Is it TOM? What is the sodium/fat/sugar content of the food you ate? Might not have gone overboard with the calories, but if you ate two days worth of sodium, then you're going to pack on the pounds and have to deal with the nasty bloating and puffiness that ensues...that's how it works for me.
  • cheangela
    cheangela Posts: 173
    Try cutting sodium. You seem to go over in your diary every day. I doubt you're genuinely gaining mass, I bet you're just retaining water. You're also not noshing on freshstuffs -- try replacing 60% of your caloric intake with vegetables, fruits, and such.
  • today is the first day of the rest of your life. A number of things could have happened including water retention. I would say choose your goal weight and stick to the calorie intake to include your allowed sugars. Dont go over and also bump up your cardio. If you have access to an elliptical machine they are wonders. Burns a ton of fat. The weight will drop I promise. Up your water intake and watch it all come off. Keep your head up, stay positive and lean on us when ever you need us. We are all fighting the same fight. Good luck and kick some *kitten*!!!!!
  • Cbeth80
    Cbeth80 Posts: 49
    I am 30 and your body does what it wants to. Do not weigh yourself everyday because your weight can fluctate by 3lbs daily. Stick to your recommended calorie intake and still continue to excercise, Pilates is awesome and it will not affect your ankle since you can lay down most of the time. Also what works for me is having pretty much the same breakfast and lunch everyday. A bowl of whole grain cereal with skim milk and fruit, and either a turkey sandwich, or chicken salad for lunch, and I switch up my dinner. I eat chicken, a veggie, and some sort of carb, all whole wheat/grain. And no refined sugar! Embrace the age with grace, because it does come with it's highs and lows... :)
  • lgerkin
    lgerkin Posts: 1
    I am not an expert either but the Sodium comment is probably right on. Also watch carbs, fat and sugars. You can be low in calories and high in carbs, fat and sugar which can make you gain.
  • ryssaan
    ryssaan Posts: 44 Member
    I am with cheangela it's probably the sodium. I'm sure there is more sodium in the cake than you expected. Soduim is everywhere. I exercise a bunch and though MFP adds calories it doesn't add soduim. I will normally stop eating when I hit my sodium max not calorie max that leave a lot of calories ont he table but I know my main issue is sodum. Drink lots of water and then wait until the next morning to weigh yourself.
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    If I had to guess, I'd say it's because you've starved yourself for so long (1200 calories really is very low) that your body holds on to as many calories as it possibly can when you feed it because it doesn't know when you're going to feed it again. Your metabolism is likely shot and needs to be built up again so your body properly burns calories instead of hording them.

    I'm 35 and haven't had any trouble going down to a size 4 with regular meals and exercise, so it's not entirely about age.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    I am no expert by any means. I just saw your topic title and wanted to see if I could offer some friendly thoughts. You might get some more 'expert' responses later on when some of the more experienced people pop on. And trust me, their advice is worth a million!!

    My experience with having issues with gains/losses came down to looking at my numbers. Which I hated doing because I'm so not a numbers person. But I had set my goal to lose an amount that was too high for my body. Originally I had it set for 1.5 lbs a week and I have about 10-15lbs left to lose. I did some research on the site and on the internet and realized that I had my 'goal' set too low for my situation. When I started I had set it at this, and it worked. I had more weight to lose and I had not been going at weight loss for long so 1-1.5lbs was realistic. Now, my body needs a little more. Have you checked your BMR on the tools portion of the site? It might help to check that and to read through some old posts about setting your 'goal' at .5lbs a week or maybe 1 lbs a week. It might seem like it will take forever. But it will help you may long lasting changes in your body and in your habits. It can be frustarting because now I only drop a pound, sometimes, less a week but it's a constant loss wihtout much fluctuation.

    ALso, and I know you've probably heard it a thousand times, I know I have...water. Water has really been a key for me. If I don't get in enough water, my body shows me. Motivation wise, I've also learned to look at inches more so than scales. Even how my clothes fit. The scale is so wishy washy with TOMS and water weight.

    Stick with it. I'm sure you'll get some great advice on here. I know there are some great posts tagged at the top of this topic that helped me.

    Good luck!
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    In a word, sodium. Your sodium is through the roof most days. And it's not just the sodium itself, it's the source - a LOT of processed and fast food. Work on getting more fresh foods, fruits and veggies and lower the sodium. As mentioned, it's likely you didn't gain that much fat and are probably retaining water.

    Also, make sure your settings and goals are appropriate. With what you have to lose, you should not have a loss goal of more than 1 lb per week. And make sure your intake and burns are as accurate as possible - weigh and measure your food, and get the best exercise burn numbers you can.

    Consistency and planning are important. Not that you can't ever have an off day, but it sounds like a good portion of the days are "off". Find your focus and work on quality, not just quantity. Stay strong! :flowerforyou:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Looks like some of the experienced peeps beat me to it when I was rambling!! Great advice!!
  • Dreamerlove
    Dreamerlove Posts: 441 Member
    I'm not an expert either but I checked out your dairy and you are staying under your cals but I think you need to change your food, one day you had cake 3 times that day (lol if I could i would only eat chocolate). It really makes a difference in switching to whole fresh foods, nothing in a box, no salt, nothing processed. Your sodium is very high, which will make you feel lethargic and hungry. you need to drink half of your body weight in ounces daily to wash out any salt in your body. good luck!
  • Have you ever had your thyroid checked???? Thyroid problems cant cause weight problems. Good luck!
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    FORGET THE "SCIENCE" of Weight Loss. Use the base numbers as a STARTING POINT, then WATCH YOUR BODY AND What YOU are DOING! THEN make small ADJUSTMENTS...maybe reducing High Glycemic carbs to Lower ones, reduce your caloric intake, continue your activity...You need a Lifestyle Change, not a Diet. This means that it is a PROCESS and will go up and down and be frustrating until you kinda get it. You have to be willing to be in it for the long haul. Example; I have lost over 100 lbs over 3 years. My "time line" was sooner but when I look back it has been trial and error, but it has been REAL and I have NOT gained any weight back...meaning the Original weight. Sometimes I have been on a roller coaster but I have been learning about My Body and what it needs (nutritionally, calorie-wise) and that I have Seasons-Times that My Body Loses weight. My best weight loss time is late spring to mid fall, the winter is a weight gain time if I am not diligent (VERY DILIGENT), the other time is Dormant (and that is good because it is preparing to Lose and needs to rejuvenate); finally realizing these things about My Body has made Me much LESS Frustrated and at Peace with My PROCESS. Learn about you then incorporate new stuff a little at a time because YOUR Body and Your Mind will eventually REJECT Major-Sudden Changes.

    Oh yes...There are sooo many women who are over 40 on here losing weight just fine, I'm 46, I know many on here over 50/60 who have lost 50 lbs in 6 months...it's about CONSTANCY=Being Steady on their eating and exercise plan. Believe it or not, I lost most of My weigh at 1500 Calories per day...when I went down, I yo-yoed. I think it is because I could actually LIVE and DO this everyday...I felt satisfied. And granted, some days I felt like eating more or less but My Calories avg. 1500 per day. So get something you can STICK with, that's the ONLY way you will succeed.
  • RockVixen
    RockVixen Posts: 63 Member
    Yikes! I just looked at my sodium and it is insane! I honestly have not paid attention to it at all. I also made 2 not so fresh/processed food/packed of sodium meals for my family's dinner this last week. I think I'll let my husband eat the rest of the leftovers since he's the one that won't eat healthy :p

    I think I'm going to change my weight loss goal to 1lb a week instead of 2 as well so I'm not right at 1200 calories.

    I do have to admit the last week was awful, I just didn't think it was as bad as it was :p I guess maybe sodium and not cake/chocolate is my weakness after all :)
  • Dreamerlove
    Dreamerlove Posts: 441 Member
    Yikes! I just looked at my sodium and it is insane! I honestly have not paid attention to it at all. I also made 2 not so fresh/processed food/packed of sodium meals for my family's dinner this last week. I think I'll let my husband eat the rest of the leftovers since he's the one that won't eat healthy :p

    I think I'm going to change my weight loss goal to 1lb a week instead of 2 as well so I'm not right at 1200 calories.

    I do have to admit the last week was awful, I just didn't think it was as bad as it was :p I guess maybe sodium and not cake/chocolate is my weakness after all :)

    lol, you got this girl!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    In my experience you have to be much stricter with your body after having children. You store fat in new places, and I have found my metabolism and more importantly my energy levels are much lower. You can do it, but it takes a lot more work than it does in your early 20s. I didn't even get started until my children were old enough to spend some time in nursery. I just didn't get a spare moment in the day to exercise before.
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