Bloated during TOM, does that mean I'll weigh more too?

The scale is definitely on the up this week, and I am really hoping it's just because of TOM!! Does anybody know for sure?


  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    yes the scale normally goes up during your TOM. A few days after its gone you usually will drop those pounds plus.
  • HeatherH1984
    I agree, I notice a couple of pounds creeping on the week before the TOM and then I seem to weigh even less just after. It does make me happy when I weigh that little bit less, even though I know it's just water weight lol.
  • HannaSavannah
    HannaSavannah Posts: 38 Member
    Thanks guys! Now all I have to do is avoid that scale for a few days, and hopefully I'll see a bigger difference!
  • Juniper3411
    Juniper3411 Posts: 167 Member
    I ALWAYS avoid the scale during my TOM!!! A few days before and a few days after too. I am too sensitive to upswings so I try to avoid it!! You can have up to 5 pounds of extra water weight during!!