Weight watchers Club

jenhenning219 Posts: 385 Member
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
who wants to join me in the weight watchers club?
i started weight watchers last week and lost 4 lbs so far
its pretty simple but requires you to read nutrition labels which isnt difficult at all
you get 29 points a day and 49 spoiler points a week
it goes by carbs fat fiber and protein
if you want more info add me as a friend and i will explain it better
i also have the points calculator
so you can do it for free as well

whos with me ?


  • TeeScott
    TeeScott Posts: 4
    I am interested, tell me more!
  • Susan77
    Susan77 Posts: 70 Member
    Im also on weight watchers and loves it! I have lost 12.4 in 8 weeks. Join me in still i can always need extra help! Good luck!
  • denisecc
    denisecc Posts: 72 Member
    I wated to join, but honestly don't want to pay the 20.00 registration fee. I did Weight Watchers last year and was doing well, it's a great program. I might just still join...Add me to your friends list..
  • oops sorry! double post
  • I'm in! add me as a friend. I also have found free WW tools on the internet that I can share with you all.
  • jenhenning219
    jenhenning219 Posts: 385 Member
    i didnt pay for the book or anything i am lucky i know people who have the new book and i borrowed it and i use the calculator
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    Put a caution in your note, 29 pts is NOT for everyone.

    At my weight I would be 19 pts according to new pts plus, under the old program 18-23 points for the <150lb group.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    i didnt pay for the book or anything i am lucky i know people who have the new book and i borrowed it and i use the calculator

    To keep the free-deals coming, here is the old and new calculator online so you don't have to buy the hand-held one.

  • jenhenning219
    jenhenning219 Posts: 385 Member
    no everyone in the new points plus program starts at 29
  • jenhenning219
    jenhenning219 Posts: 385 Member
    thats the calculator i use
  • DMLovell
    DMLovell Posts: 7
    I'd like to join your group as well.:flowerforyou:
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    I am interested, tell me more!

    To figure out the new points plus program and what you personally need to eat (op 29, me 19);

    10% of your weight in pounds
    2 points for females
    8 points for males
    4 points if you're between 17-26 years old
    3 points if you're between 27-37 years old
    2 points if you're between 38-47 years old
    1 point if you're between 48-58 years old
    0 points if you're over 58
    0 points if you're under 5' 1"
    1 point if you're between 5' 1" and 5' 10"
    2 points if you're over 5' 10"
    0 points if you spend most of your day sitting down
    2 point if you spend most of your day standing
    4 points if you are walking most of the time
    6 points if you are doing physically hard work
    10 points for mothers who are solely breast feeding
    5 points for supplementing breastfeeding with some solid foods or formula

    The sum (bounded below by 18 and at the top by 44) is the daily target.

    Eating activity points in WW goes against MFP’s suggestion of eating back all your calories so follow this as you see fit;
    One point for activity is earned for approximately every 100 Calories of effort. Given that 1 Point could be approximated as 50 Calories, consuming activity points would still create a calorie deficit.

    Also the extra points allotted is 35 NOT 49 – that’s an extra 5000 cals a week, yikes! This exact number does change so don’t bite my head off if you paid the WW fees and were told differently.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    no everyone in the new points plus program starts at 29

    That’s between 2000-3000 calories a day so if this is correct, that is a very bad recommendation. The points like the old program are based on your weight primarily and other factors are brought in. Perhaps this 29 number is used b/c members are on average 20-30 lbs overweight or some similar number to that affect so they’ve generalized. WW promotes tailoring a plan thats right for YOU so again, a general 29 pts rule would be a very bad sugestion.
  • jenhenning219
    jenhenning219 Posts: 385 Member
    how did you find the info because in the begining i was told that but then got told it was wrong
  • ontheskinnyroad
    ontheskinnyroad Posts: 205 Member
    no everyone in the new points plus program starts at 29

    I just started ww and my ppd(points per day) was 36. It goes by your weight and decrease as you lose weight.
  • PMaxim
    PMaxim Posts: 11
    I've been in Weight Watchers since last September....under the old program (which changed November 28 last year in the US), the lowest you got for points per day was 18, highest of 44. weekly points were 35.

    under the NEW program, the lowest anyone can go is 29--and the calculator no longer factors in your activity level. Weekly points allotted is now 49. This is because the way they calculate points has changed. It used to factor in calories, fat, and fiber. It now factors in fat, carbs, fiber, and protein.

    The higher points targets are because most foods now have a higher points value. for example: most 100 calorie packs used to have a points value of 2 (with some having a value of 3, depending on fat content). Most are now 3, with some having a value of 4 if the fat/carb content is high.

    I hope this clears up some confusion for you all.
  • Susan77
    Susan77 Posts: 70 Member
    The new weekly extra points on the program points plus is 49. Plus you get activity points but its up to the person if they use them or not,
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    Thanks PMaxim for clarifying. 29 pts still sounds crazy high to me but at least makes me feel better when I notice a 1300 calorie day = 27 points so I can avoid going absolutely bonkers like I did a few weeks ago. I've noticed that several times when I had planned on switching to pts plus and then said forget that If I was limited to 900 calories in order to only eat 20 pts a day. I eat on average 100g+ protein a day (only now cutting back to about 80) and 25-35g fiber and only about 15g of fat- yes I know that should increase b/c healthy fat is important so those 26 and 27 ww point days didn’t make any sense to me originally.
  • jenhenning219
    jenhenning219 Posts: 385 Member
    ok so i was right as the lowest is 29 and 49 extra
  • I was reading this thread and had to log in to point something out.

    In the USA the Weight Watchers plan is called Points Plus

    In the UK it is called ProPoints.

    In other countries they probably have different names too.

    However, each plan is a bit different and the daily/weekly points and the food points are calculated differently with different allowances. So I think that is where some of the confusion is coming from people on different plans depending on the country they live in.

    In the UK ProPoints system the MINIMUM daily points anyone has is 29 (a rough work out is 40 calories to a point). This daily points value increases depending on your weight, age, height and gender so not everyone is on 29 points.

    On top of this everyone gets 49 weekly points that you can use as you wish. You can use them all in one go on a meal out or split them up through the week.

    Been doing WW in the UK for 10 weeks now and lost 27 1/2 lb.

    This is JUST for the UK ProPoints pan though, the US one is different as could plans in other countries be different too.
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