Just saying hello!

lilbee2011 Posts: 10
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
Hi! My name is Brittnie, and I'm 24 yrs. old, 5' tall, and 130 lbs. I'm just starting (or re-starting) to get into this weight loss thing, and need all the help I can get. My biggest issue is energy. I've been working out pretty consistently for almost a month now, and still have trouble with a lack of energy. I also just calculated my BMI (which is just on the other side of healthy) which was surprising because of the amount of time that I do work out, and I have been trying to eat as healthy as possible. Anyways, anyone that wants to be friends, let me know! Can't wait to see what being a part of MFP will bring!!


  • new_me_9_67
    new_me_9_67 Posts: 369 Member
    Welcome to MFP.
    Lots of help and support here. My wife and I started this just about a month ago and we both love it.
    One thing I've noticed is that if I don't eat regularly I tend to feel a little sluggish. maybe its my body telling me to
    add more fuel to the furnace. Any way that seems to work for me. I try and break up my calories into about
    6 or 7 meals throughout the day.

    Good luck and have fun.
  • ericzintx
    ericzintx Posts: 32
    He's right. I eat about 5 times a day and it does help. When you eat bigger caloric meals three times a day your blood glucose will rise higher (causing insulin to rise higher as well) than with several smaller meals. Bigger meals simply take more time and more of the body's resources to burn up and get your blood glucose back near homeostasis -- this process can leave you feeling more tired and sapped of energy -- like nap time after Thanksgiving dinner!

    A really good article about this process is at:

    http://www.medbio.info/Horn/Time 3-4/homeostasis_2.htm

    It really helped me understand when adipocyte lipolysis (FAT BURNING) actually occurs, and how to maximize it through balanced nutrition, exercise, and TIMING.

    Another great article is:


    Lots of scientist-speak, but if you can understand it, it basically says you can increase fat burning better with a high burst of intense exercise followed by a longer low intensity (walking leisurely) exercise. Working out TOO much actually is counter-productive to your weight-loss results! Pretty interesting stuff.

    I'm always doing research on this stuff so if you want you can add me as a MFP friend!

    Take care,

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