OK, I give up! What am I doing wrong? PLEASE HELP!



  • MakingAChoice
    MakingAChoice Posts: 481 Member
    Try cutting sodium. You seem to go over in your diary every day. I doubt you're genuinely gaining mass, I bet you're just retaining water. You're also not noshing on freshstuffs -- try replacing 60% of your caloric intake with vegetables, fruits, and such.

    ^^ This! Plus quit using excuses like "a cake for my dogs birthday" to eat crap. :noway:
  • Lisane1969
    I agree with that sodium level is high. Also, it's not just about calories. Looking at you diary, I would also suggest that you try to have more on breakfast and lunch, and less on dinner. Also, it seems to me that you are not making the right choices in food. Burger and fries, altough you counted the calories, are not the best food to have, to much fat and sodium. Try to go for food items that have less fat for exemple fish (but not fried) or chicken, etc. There is also the sweets... we forget that we become sugar addicts when we eat cake or sweets, so try to limit the sweets because we tend to crave them.

    Still, don't get discourage, you did lose a nice amount of weight, and that is a wonderful accomplisment !!! Sometimes we hit a "plateau", It's a normal thing, you body is ajusting. But keep on going, and you'll start loosing weight. again !