constantly hungry!!! help

Looking for any tips or ideas to stop hunger during the early weeks as its always my downfall and normally gets me snacking ect.
Any ideas will be appreciated


  • jebfab2612
  • jebfab2612
    For me it was drinking my water and having a good filling breakfast. check out the recipe section it helps with ideas good luck
  • lisadonachie
    ive found that high protein foods fill me up like chicken , ham eggs .......
  • ♥♥YoungMrs♥♥
    This is a good one that Im stealing from someone else lol .. give yourself 20 minutes..and if you're still feeling hungry after 20 min then you can have something to eat. Usually by the time that 20 min passes you get busy doing something else or you forget about the hunger (which is prob just a craving) ..Good Luck!!!
  • jenn9253
    jenn9253 Posts: 19
    Hi! I have found that is a hard thing to overcome. I make sure I eat a low calorie breakfast, limit myself to two 100 calorie snacks and eat a salad (without all the extras) and tuna for lunch then a sensible dinner. Anytime I feel the hunger urge coming on I take a big drink of ice cold water. Good luck!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Fibre is a good thing so help keep hunger at bay, and obviously water... Make sure you're eating enough - I was on 1200 cals + exercise and I was hungry ALL THE TIME! Then I changed my cal intake to MFP recommendations and I seem to be less hungry now...

    I have graze boxes delivered and I snack on those...

    Good luck with your journey x
  • mjenne74
    mjenne74 Posts: 40 Member
    I do the 5-6 meals a day thing. Plus I drink 8-10 8oz glasses of water a day. Usually 4 16 oz bottles of water which gives me 64 oz for the day. The water helps me feel fuller. I eat my regular breakfast, lunch and dinner and I have a mid morning, mid-day and evening snack to help. These are made up usually of fruit, yogurt, cottage cheese and fruit, carrots and hummus or something like that. Healthy snacks usually mixing a carb and protein. On average my meals range between 300-400 calories and my snacks are usually from 50-150 calories. For my weight and height I am allowed 1540 calories daily (before exercise) and usually finish up between 1200-1400 calories. I hope this helps. Feel free to add me and check out my food diary for ideas if you would like. :)
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    I had to wean myself down to the calories. But my total amount of calories im suppose to have is way higher than im doing. But I am doing fine not as hungry now as I was when I went cold turkey. So I vote for weening yourself down to the recommended amount it says for you to eat. Good luck jello also helps
  • StephanieJ82
    Yes for sure drinking water all the time helps a lot with hunger.
    Also lean protines fill you up.
    But I started taking a miltipack vitamins last week and I find that I do not feel as hungry as I usually do.
    My problem is that I crave food all the time. Thats probably because I am not getting the right amount of vitamins (I hate veggies and fruits). I also feel like I have more energy and my skin and hair feels great :)
    Maybe try that.
  • jrusso28
    jrusso28 Posts: 249 Member
    Carrots !!
    I use baby carrots to get over the cravings.
    14 baby carrots are only about 38 calories.

    Drink plenty of water and the cravings pass.

    Good luck
  • daniran
    daniran Posts: 233 Member
    keep good snacks available at all times. carry an (or two) apple, banana, celery, carrot sticks with you. In the beginning it seems to be a natural impulse to put something in your mouth and the snacks I suggested will give you a full feeling (even if you have to eat a couple of them to get there) but not high in calories and portable. The apple has the added advantage of providing pectin and chronium picolinate (both great for metabolizing fat). Make sure you drink plenty of water (sometimes we can confuse hunger with thirst).
  • Ahzuri
    Ahzuri Posts: 272 Member
    Drink lots of water, I read somewhere that a lot of people recognize thirst as hunger. I know since I started drinking nothing but water I have realized I am not constantly hungry but thirsty! If you spread out your calories over the course of the day it can also help to keep the hunger at bay and make sure that you eat a good breakfast too. Some people I know exercise when they feel the urge to snack.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Hi! Nothing wrong with snacking as long as you're making good choices or planning for it. Knowing yourself is the best way to get around these things in my opinion. For instance, I know I'm going to want something around 2pm every afternoon and I also know that protein is going to stick to my ribs a lot longer than a simple carb. It took a while to get a good daily plan in place and find the right foods, and of course I still have off days but I try to make the best choices that I can.
  • Dawntodusk
    Dawntodusk Posts: 262 Member
    Cut out sugar and all refined carbs - these make you crave more food. Whenever you're hungry, drink water first. Make sure you eat plenty of protein, fat and unrefined carbs - especially first thing in the morning. Good luck!
  • Dipmom
    Dipmom Posts: 228 Member
    I found when I go slightly over on my protein, I am much less hungry. A high protein breakfast has made a huge difference. Most days I am surprised when it's 1:00 and I hadn't even noticed I hungry. I also eat fruit and popcorn in the evening.
  • GABulldogs
    Celery & peanut butter.
  • Roxey7
    Roxey7 Posts: 10
    Well, I will have to guess that you are not eating enough protein - protein is what keeps us satisfied. you have have 20-30 gm of protein for breakfast and at least 15-20 at every other meal and eat 4-5 meals a day.
  • StefBeeney
    Chew Gum... they say that the act of chewing, even if you are not eatting anything will basically trick your brain into thinking you are eatting something....

    Just make sure you know that some Gum has calories
  • alex330
    alex330 Posts: 1
    i had to split up lunch and eat half for a snack a 90 min before and also if i am just so hungry i cant stand it after dinner i steam 2-3 cups of non starchy frozen mixed veggie with oregano seasoning i figure its 100-130 calories way better than running to taco bell
  • lalilalu
    lalilalu Posts: 102 Member
    I think if you are hungry you have to eat something. Use all the suggestions here to make sure that whatever you eat is a good healthy snack, try to up your protein and water, and if at the start you sometimes go a little over your calory goal don't worry to much. To be able to sustain this healthy eating you have to enjoy it, and nobody enjoys being hungry. As long as you clear out all the junky snacks and food from you house, then having a snack when you are hungry is fine... Although the other thing I've noticed is that sometime hunger is a psychological thing. I particuarly noticed that on the first day I started all this I had a big breakfast, much bigger than I normally would, but within an hour or two I was starving hungry again, and it was all in my head, because I knew that I could only have my piece of fruit and nothing more until lunch, so in that case I just ignored it and had some water. Good luck anyway, I hope it passes soon.....