Hi! I'm Maria from PA...

Hello my name is Maria and I am 27 years old. I am a mother of fabulous and super intelligent 9 year old little girl that told me “Mommy I want you and me to be healthy, so lets start walking this spring, please”. I am looking for friends that will help and guide me with reaching my weight loss goals. I am fairly new to this (like 3 hours new LOL) so any advice and tips are greatly appreciated.

Thanks and feel free to friend request me or whatever it's called here LOL



  • allroundthesun
    Hi Maria, welcome to MFP! :smile: My advice is simply to log *every* calorie you eat in your food diary. I was shocked to see how many calories I was racking up while eating in a way that I thought was fine, it was really eye-opening! Good luck to you!

    :heart: -- Juliet
  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 521 Member
    HI! Good luck! I am also from PA, and joined MFP in hopes of becoming more able to keep up with my kids, who are 10 and 5. Being on MFP has been more motivating to me than any other time I have tried to get more active and lose weight. Hope it helps you reach your goals!
  • bobbijo72
    bobbijo72 Posts: 63
    HI! and welcome.. if you can use the app on your phone. it makes it very easy to track your stats... i LOVE this site.. and what better reason to get healthy! way to go.. add me if you like.. all the best! :-)
  • TriumphNow
    TriumphNow Posts: 526 Member
    Hi and welcome! This site is great. It keeps me mindful of what of I'm eating and the importance of exercise. If you log all you calories (EVERYTHING) and exercise, you really get a good picture of how your doing and what you need to do.
  • daddyzgurl
    Hi Maria,
    I'm from South Jersey, 33 and a divorced mom of 3 sons (ages 10, 4 and 2). Welcome to MFP!! This is a great site and app (if you have a smartphone) to keep you on track, eating healthy and excercising. Feel free to add me as a friend!

    My best advice is to start changing your eating habits and introducing an excercising routine slowly. Any hard and fast changes wont stick. Oh, and don't cut out any specific food groups. Omitting certain foods altogether will only make you crave them more. Everything in moderation is what works for me.

    Good Luck,
  • melissasuerowan
    Hi Marie.My name is melissa.Im also new to this site.But sence finding it Ive lost a total of 5 lbs.It is stuggle but u will get the hang of it.Just be honest with your self. and post everything you put in your mouth.and exerize as much as possibly.I will be to help as much as i can.And if i cant answer a qustion ill try and find the answer and post the answer for you.

    Good luck
    From Melissa in nc