I'm struggling :(

Roseisadreamer Posts: 110
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
Last year I had a really good period of weight loss, but since xmas ive not only put it all back on - but ive put on even more! This has disheartened me so much and since i'm now used to eating so much too, i find it exceptionally difficult to go even a couple of days on a healthy eating drive before giving up, thinking 'why bother' and gorging :(
any tips or tricks to help me out? :(


  • Tiana405
    Tiana405 Posts: 270 Member
    That's a tough one, but all I can say is that you've got to change your mind set and know that you owe it to yourself to be happy. Love yourself enough and decide to make that change, permanently! It's a struggle for all of us, but what it comes down to is just a decision. Good luck in you journey! Hope you turn it around! You can do it....
  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    Sounds like you are defeating yourself somewhat. It hard, and i have the same problem. We just have to remember that one bad meal does not mean the next one has to be. break a sweat at least 15 minutes a day. Hang in there, and log your food honestly. I'm having to do that starting today...I slipped the last two weeks.
  • sixpacking
    sixpacking Posts: 148 Member
    you got the first step, recognizing that you want to lose weight and that you need to lose weight. A lot of people will tell you otherwise because you are a step ahead by recognizing such. Now take the next baby step and start slow, eat things that you enjoy and that are worth your time. After you get that down, you'll get it.....
  • biged335
    biged335 Posts: 734
    What's motivates me to stay motivated is I've made myself accountable to other people. If I fail, everybody I know will no I quit. I'm not going to let that happen.

    But in my opinion, the only it's really going to work, is you have to want to take the weight off more then you're will to accept where you're at. Once you've made that commitment, it will be easier. There are always going to be bad days, but you can push through those and get to where you want to go!!!!

    There are plenty of people on here to lend you support when need it, but getting in shape is still about the individual.

    Just my opinion... But If I can change and lose weight, You most diffently can!!!!! Just take it one day at a time. You'll make it!!!
  • BrandNewMia
    BrandNewMia Posts: 461
    Take it one day at a time! The beginning (or rather, getting started again) is always the hardest. You know once you get back in to the groove of things you will find it a lot easier to stick to the plan.

    Do you have any pictures from your last weight loss? I would start posting them all over the house - on the bathroom mirror, on the fridge, put one in the car... Keep a nice picture around for motivation, when you want to reach for something unhealthy you just have to use will power to stay away from it! My first month on MFP I struggled every day. Every. Single. Day. And while it's easier to stick to my plan today, I still consider giving up almost on a daily basis.

    You can do this, and you are worth it!
  • _Tristan_
    _Tristan_ Posts: 221 Member
    OK, try this book: Eat Right 4 Your Type. It's a book that I read a couple of years ago and I've changed the bad things (things that slow down your metabolism) and gone towards the good things (things that speed up your metabolism). That way when I’m looking for something bad to eat I can at least get something that isn’t too bad for me and my body type.
    Hope that help.
  • I think everyone here has already given good advice, and I echo the changing the mindset and accountability thing. I've never had a reason to diet/exercise until the last year.... then I've really put on weight and it was getting out of hand for me (I was LITERALLY busting out of my pants, and did so when I bought a bigger size as well-- that was my brick wall moment). It was extremely hard for me to change my mindset about it... I truly believe that even though I was tired and had no energy, it was the mental part about changing that was/is the hardest. Once I've gotten into it, it gets easier every day. Especially when I get on the scale and have lost more weight and especially since in just five short weeks I'm not only fitting into my size 9 pants, they are nearly falling off of me. I was shocked and wished I'd started sooner-- I always thought it would take me a year or so to lose weight, and it depressed me further. Like you, I thought, what's the point???? but I've already lost 7lb in a few weeks and projected to lose 7 more by a few weeks from now. You've done this before and you can do it again. For motivation, look at the "success stories" on MFP daily... and go to mtv.com, and watch episodes of the show "I used to be fat". I know it sounds silly, but it really helped me. Good luck!
  • ironart1
    ironart1 Posts: 4
    Me too. I have lost 14 lbs...but I injured my ankle and it has taken a toll on me. I stopped exercising for three weeks...plus we were on Spring Break, so I gave myself a license to eat whatever I wanted. I am back on program today! I need to do this again until I lose more! I planned on 50 this year! My 50th is in June and I want to be a little smaller. I am gonna try that book, Eat Right 4 Your Type that Tryst10 talked about. Just keep your chin up and bounce back!
  • callipygianchronicle
    callipygianchronicle Posts: 811 Member
    Why aren’t you worth bothering for? What’s so small about you that you aren’t worth the effort?

    The best thing we can do on this journey is let go of perfection thinking. You do not have to eat perfectly. You do not even have to eat healthy food. Not at first. The first thing you have to do to build success is commit to logging everything you eat. Then, when that feels easy, commit to hitting your calorie goal. And by the time that feels easy, you will ready for other smaller changes (eating healthier foods, eating more regularly, exercising, drinking water, etc.). But you do not have to be perfect on day one. But you do have to commit and take action. and that action is as simple as logging in and logging your food.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    Why aren’t you worth bothering for? What’s so small about you that you aren’t worth the effort?

    The best thing we can do on this journey is let go of perfection thinking. You do not have to eat perfectly. You do not even have to eat healthy food. Not at first. The first thing you have to do to build success is commit to logging everything you eat. Then, when that feels easy, commit to hitting your calorie goal. And by the time that feels easy, you will ready for other smaller changes (eating healthier foods, eating more regularly, exercising, drinking water, etc.). But you do not have to be perfect on day one. But you do have to commit and take action. and that action is as simple as logging in and logging your food.

    Love this! :wink:
  • Why aren’t you worth bothering for? What’s so small about you that you aren’t worth the effort?

    The best thing we can do on this journey is let go of perfection thinking. You do not have to eat perfectly. You do not even have to eat healthy food. Not at first. The first thing you have to do to build success is commit to logging everything you eat. Then, when that feels easy, commit to hitting your calorie goal. And by the time that feels easy, you will ready for other smaller changes (eating healthier foods, eating more regularly, exercising, drinking water, etc.). But you do not have to be perfect on day one. But you do have to commit and take action. and that action is as simple as logging in and logging your food.

    Naww this is soem of the best - and the nicest - advice I've read! :)
    Looked into the 30 day shred and seriously considering giving it a go - anyone got any experience of this? :)
    Thanks guys, your comments really picked me up!
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