Question about the food/exerise tracker (issue about cals)

Can anyone explain to me why this morning i had 1228 more cals to eat and now that i put my workout in its now telling me i have 1778 cals remaining... Why would i eat more cals if im tryin to lose weight???


  • bhb301
    bhb301 Posts: 338 Member
    go to the top of this page and enter in the serach button , eat exercise cals,,There are tons of info, but yes eat them..
  • ambie35
    ambie35 Posts: 853 Member
    MPF already creates a deficit for weight loss regardless of if you exercise or not. So if you have your weight loss set to 1 pound and eat back all your exercise calories you should still lose one pound. However if you want to boost your weight loss you can choose not to eat your exercise calories back.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    because MFP sets your goal caloric intake to lose your weekly goal amount of weight without exercise. In order to keep your caloric deficit at your goal level you must eat those calories back or your caloric deficit may be too large and you may burn muscle, instead of fat, for fuel.

    If you ate 1228 and burned 550 from a workout and did not eat more, your body will behave as if you only ate 678 (1228-550). 678 is not enough for your body to perform its regular functions.

    Eating too little can be worse than eating too much.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    The amount of calories you need to lose weight are already calculated into your total BEFORE you exercise. When you exercise, you need more calories to fuel your body.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
  • BernieMBurke
    BernieMBurke Posts: 206 Member
    That's because MFP already calculates your desired weight loss per week into the calories you're allowed to eat (look in MY HOME/Goals). When you exercise, you burn even more calories. MFP allows you to eat them back.

    I will say that a lot of people only eat some of the calories back. It will depend on how your body works. MFP always wants you to have at least 1200 Net Calories (Calories - Exercise Calories = Net Calories). You can see your net for the day by clicking MY HOME.
  • Baileymqt
    Baileymqt Posts: 28 Member
    The 1200 calorie goal is if you did no exercise at all. You can eat 1200 calories without exercising and lose weight. If you exercise, you can have more calories as long as you don't go over the calorie count you exercised off. Typically, if you don't eat back at least some of your exercise calorie, you might put your body into starvation mode and that's not good either.
  • kinda1462
    kinda1462 Posts: 11
    Thanks to everyone that helped without yall i woulda been lost i had no ideal i had to eat some of my calories back. THANK YOUUU! =)