Craft Beer Lovers...CHEERS!!!



  • jbqueen
    jbqueen Posts: 89 Member
    Love Bell's Two-Hearted; possibly my favorite IPA, and just had their Hopslam, which was delicious. Also love Dogfish Head's 120 IPA and their Palo Santo Marron. I'm all out now, but 3 Floyd's Dark Lord 2010 was amazing.

    Craft beer... I wish I knew how to quit you!
  • SunLovin1
    SunLovin1 Posts: 682 Member
    Nice to see someone recognize Bell's! They've been a favorite of mine for about 15 years. Oh, crap. I'm 29. I mean, um, 8 years, of course....
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • gehlerc
    gehlerc Posts: 651 Member
    Oh how I love my craft beers and try to save enough calories for one every day! Glad I'm not alone.

    I am from Minnesota and Summit is the big local brewer here. I'm very fond of their Oatmeal Stout, but it only comes in kegs. However, Summit Winter Ale is bottled and it is quite rich and flavorful. I don't think they distribute that far.

    Have you tried Lake Superior Oatmeal Stout? Out of Duluth, MN. One of my favorites--but not easy to find, even in Minnesota / western WI.
  • Oh...I also really like Scrimshaw Pilsner by North Coast Brewing Co. in Ft Bragg, CA. Really nice!
  • My old standby when I go to a pub/bar is Real Ale's Fireman's 4. It is made in Blanco, TX about 30 miles from my house in Austin. It is another Blonde Ale that is very drinkable. Love it!! Real Ale also makes a great Pale Ale!

  • *BUMP*
  • ericaq
    ericaq Posts: 29
    You and I have the same favorites!
  • You and I have the same favorites!

    NICE!!! I have lots more that I like or that I will drink, but those are my "go to" beers
  • evoterra
    evoterra Posts: 2
    This will be my undoing. I love craft beer, typically high-alcohol content, too. ****.

    But I'm going to try (I know, I'm a moron) to keep the beer as I diet. Hey, the first monks brewed it so they could get through fasting times, so I can to, right?

    The kicker is trying to figure out the calories. Most labels don't show it, and the complexities of the brewing process make it non-trivial to get exact. But I'm willing to fudge with 20-30 calories, assuming that much of the "standards" of other foods I'm eating are off by that much, too.

    To that end, I've found the following formula that seems to get a pretty close approximate for me in the beers I have been able to verify. If you like sweeter beers, YMMV. Me? I like a nice crispy IPA, where sweetness is abhorrent. Here's the math:

    # oz * ABV (Alcohol by volume, but use the number, not a percentage) / 60 * 150 = calories.

    Here's how the math works out for a bomber (22 oz) of one of my standards -- Stone IPA:

    22 oz * 6.9 (% alcohol) / 60 * 150 = 379.5 calories.

    That, again is:

    22 * 6.9 / 60 * 150 = 379.5.

    Interestingly enough, has the Nutrition Label for the beer here:

    It shows 366. Close enough for me, and the error goes in my gut's favor!

    [sigh]. That only leaves me 1000 more calories for the rest of the day. Guess I'll make it a 12 oz, or split that with the wife. And then only do it on the weekends. [sniff]

  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    My old standby when I go to a pub/bar is Real Ale's Fireman's 4. It is made in Blanco, TX about 30 miles from my house in Austin. It is another Blonde Ale that is very drinkable. Love it!! Real Ale also makes a great Pale Ale!


    We just changed up our beer menu at work, and Fireman's #4 is one that we got. We also just brought in Moose Drool Bown Ale, Black Butte Porter, Single Wide IPA, Ranger IPA, Stone IPA, Anchor Steam, Abita Turbodog. We've got Rahr Bucking Bock on tap now, and it's yummy!

  • Sierra Nevada Pale Ale
    Boulevard Pale Ale (Kansas City)
    Boulevard Wheat (The best wheat anywhere)
    Yuenglings Lager (Pennsylvania-Oldest Brewery in the nation)
    Bell's Kalamazoo Brewery (Michigan) (Just about anything)

    Recently found out that Yuengling Light Lager has less calories than a Bud light! Take THAT crap beer drinkers! Amstel light is also lower in calories than a Bud light.

    I did a beerfest right before starting MFP so I have a whole post about which beers my boyfriend and I tried.. Feel free to read it!/note.php?note_id=10150406933115459
    (can't figure out how to post a link)

    Typically I like Malty beers like Yuengling Lager and my boyfriend likes Hoppy beers like Sam Adams Noble Pils... basically we reviewed almost all the beers between the two of us..

    Most of the beers were from Florida since that's where the beerfest was. But a couple of big names were there too.
  • sarainca
    sarainca Posts: 19
    bump for later!
  • sweettoughness
    sweettoughness Posts: 23 Member
    For a craft Brewer I LOVE this specialty beer made by a craft brewer in Ontario called NickleBrook. There Green Apple Beer is soo good!! Its not a cider but like a mixture of apple juice and beer. A bit weird but soo good on a hot summer day!!
  • surra
    surra Posts: 33
    Nice post! I love my craft beers as well. Unfortunately had to cut beer out of my diet to reach my goals. I allow myself to "splurge" and have a few on Sundays to reward myself! Love New Castle, Sierra Nevada, Arrogant *kitten*, and this brew from Kansas City I can't think of the name!

    Boulevard from Kansas City!
  • surra
    surra Posts: 33
    Love Bell's Two-Hearted; possibly my favorite IPA, and just had their Hopslam, which was delicious. Also love Dogfish Head's 120 IPA and their Palo Santo Marron. I'm all out now, but 3 Floyd's Dark Lord 2010 was amazing.

    Craft beer... I wish I knew how to quit you!

    LOVE Dogfish! We don't get it here, but I have family in KY and every time we go back, we load up!! My boyfriend really wanted to go to 3 Floyd's Dark Lord Day, but isn't :( Maybe next year!
  • lizard9800
    lizard9800 Posts: 474 Member
    I love anything Brown. Honey brown, nut brown. Moose Drool (MT), Leinenkugels? Fireside Nut Brown (WI). But I have to be true to our local Snake River Brewing OB-1. Guiness is always a great backup. Has anyone ever tried the Shiner Mesquite? Very interesting, but can't drink more than one at a time. Too smokey.
  • redwngs13
    redwngs13 Posts: 194 Member
    Nice to see someone recognize Bell's! They've been a favorite of mine for about 15 years. Oh, crap. I'm 29. I mean, um, 8 years, of course....

    Hooray for Bell's! (MI native here :drinker: )

    Dragonmead Final Absolution is delicious
    Any kind of Amber Ale is good
    Peninsula Porter by Michigan Brewing Co (Creamy dark beer)
    Dark Chocolate Stout

    I am just recently getting into craft beers and my boyfriend and I often get a six pack of "tasties" on the weekend to enjoy. There is a party store near my place that you can make your own six pack, so I like to do that and try different things.
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Oh God, I am drooling...

    If you are ever in the greater Cleveland area (I travel there for business), there is a local brewery called Great Lakes Brewery and they make a year round brew called Eliot Ness that is simply awesome...sort of like Killian's Red, but with much better body and flavor. They also make a seasonal Christmas ale that I stock up and drink into January (when I am not dieting).

    If I went to heaven and I was drinking beer for eternity, I would choose Sam Adams Octoberfest...
  • gehlerc
    gehlerc Posts: 651 Member
    Oh God, I am drooling...

    If you are ever in the greater Cleveland area (I travel there for business), there is a local brewery called Great Lakes Brewery and they make a year round brew called Eliot Ness that is simply awesome...sort of like Killian's Red, but with much better body and flavor. They also make a seasonal Christmas ale that I stock up and drink into January (when I am not dieting).

    If I went to heaven and I was drinking beer for eternity, I would choose Sam Adams Octoberfest...

    Just found this thread....

    Great Lakes Brewery's Conway's Irish Ale was written up in the St. Paul, Minnesota, newspaper on St. Pat's Day. I found it in a Whole Foods store while in Madison (Wis) last weekend and brought a six-pack home. Love it!!!

    I also love the oatmeal stout from Lake Superior Brewery in Duluth, MN.
  • sbrake
    sbrake Posts: 25
    I'm kinda picky....
    Newcastle Brown Ale is pretty much the only beer I'm drinking these days. And it's like love in a bottle...only with fewer strings attached.


    Agreed... Newcastle is also my favorite!
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