New Girl

Hey everyone, my name is Gillian, i'm pretty new at this and i hope it works... i'm 17 years and 5"0 short lol, i used to weigh 160 lbs and I've lost 25lbs and i now weigh 135... everything came off easy, but my belly and no matter how hard i try and what i do, it just won't go, its stuck on me like a moth to a flame lol... i came across this app on my phone and i said why not, so my goal is to loose my stomach and weigh 125... if any of you guys have any advise on how to make my stomach go away faster, i'm all ears :) thanks


  • JanerZzz
    JanerZzz Posts: 276
    Welcome! MFP is great :) I would say, that sadly you can not spot check any trouble area...but overall cardio and strength training, along with proper diet should do the trick! Just be patient and diligent! Good luck!
  • missy1970eb
    missy1970eb Posts: 1,209 Member
    hi welcome and gd luck:smile:
  • nurse_chris
    nurse_chris Posts: 189
    Hey, welcome to MFP. The above post was right, you can't "spot - target" adipose tissue..... Just keep up the hard work and you will do it. You have something a lot of us don't - your age, just be careful that you don't neglect a proper diet..

    Good luck
  • RGPargy
    RGPargy Posts: 285 Member
    Hello! Welcome! This site is awesome. Good luck! :D
  • dawnmarieholm
    good job gillian im also only 5 feet, which is no fun. i hate my belly its like i haave a tire stuck around me and some one keeps it inflated, when i drop the weight i want im going to focus on ab exercises sounds like fun right (not) lol if you find someething better let me know and i will do the same. keep up the good work. dawn