Hello :]


I'm Elizabeth. I started using this site a few weeks ago and love it :] I have a hard time motivating myself to get to the gym or even get off my chair.. I'm a fourth year university student so I spend a LOT of time sitting at a desk, sitting in class, driving.. After all that sitting I feel worn out and rarely make it to the gym. I joined this site because I really need to get a handle on my health. I feel that it is really affecting my mental health and that I really need to get healthy and feel healthy. I'm also hoping to inspire my boyfriend. He's overweight with a long family history of diabetes and I really want us to have a long happy life together! I hope once he sees how happy I am and how easy weight loss is he will want to work harder. So I'm remaining positive and I hope this site will give me that boost to finally shed those pounds :]


  • Bluesmilie
    Bluesmilie Posts: 161 Member
    Hi Elizabeth, welcome to MFP. It is great that you joined. We are happy to have you girl. Motivation from friends is the key to success.

    Add me :)

    Think positive.
  • iambayd
    iambayd Posts: 235
    Welcome! This site is a great tool to help on your weight loss journey. I'm sure you'll inspire your boyfriend in no time at all! Good luck :)
  • etoille325
    Good luck! Positive thoughs always helps! I am sending good vibes your way!