A loooong road ... looking for a new start

Hi! I'm Heather. I joined about two and a half weeks ago. I really like the site, love the mobile app ... it's very helpful.

I'd love to add some new friends to help keep me motivated, so add away!

I have a 100 lb goal on here, but in reality I need to lose more, so it will be a long road. But gotta start somewhere. And really, I just want to be healthy. Really, as long as I feel good, the number doesn't matter to me.


  • kirstinkrueger
    coming from someone who had as much weight to loose as you do, set your goals small, and rewaard yourself at each goal. maybe every 20lbs :) it's so much easier to see your goals in site when it's 20lbs then 100 and it will help keep you motivated :) I will add you! and good luck on your journey!!!!! YOU CAN DO IT
  • heather7marie
    heather7marie Posts: 506 Member
    Welcome to MFP! Nice name. :wink: Feel free to add me.
  • danmullen
    danmullen Posts: 94
    Welcome to MFP Heather :) 7 months ago I joined and set myself a target of 111lbs... that seemed so far off, but now I'm well over half way (62lbs) and feel better than ever!

    It will seem daunting at times but stick in and you'll get there. If I can do it, anyone can :) Good luck!
  • kbrob14
    kbrob14 Posts: 106 Member
    Welcome Heather! MFP friends are the best at keeping me motivated best of luck in your journey! Friend request sent! :happy:
  • tornberg1
    tornberg1 Posts: 28 Member
    Would love to help with support you can add me as a friend.
  • Begood03
    Begood03 Posts: 1,261 Member
    I'm new here also, just remember great distances are covered one step at a time.
  • travelprincess
    travelprincess Posts: 73 Member
    Nice to meet you Heather. Feels like Ive known you forever. Wait i have.
    Girl you are determined and brillant, you can do this. You ever want to go walk let me know!
  • jltodd99
    jltodd99 Posts: 89
    Welcome Heather!
    Started the year with an idea of losing 100 pounds or more.
    After three months I am down 25 and loving this site!
    Lots of help and motivation.
    I would love to be able to help others as they have helped me...feel free to friend me.
  • anner53108
    anner53108 Posts: 103
    If anyone can do this (or anything, for that matter), you can, my dear friend. You are a daily inspiration to me!
    And, now, let's see, what could you possibly use as a reward for your smaller weight loss goals? Mmmm ... Shoes! Purses! Office supplies! Office supplies shaped like shoes and purses! Shoes and purses shaped like office supplies! The possibilities are endless! :D
  • Heatherjg0419
    Heatherjg0419 Posts: 52 Member
    Thanks for the love! I like the idea of rewards!
  • Heatherjg0419
    Heatherjg0419 Posts: 52 Member
    Oh, and I sent out a few friend requests for those who didn't send one to me! I'd love to have more friends who are on similar journeys to mine!

    I'll be heading to Vegas in a few weeks and I'll need the help and reminder to stay on track. But I guess I'll be doing plenty of walking, so maybe it will be a good thing ...

  • copperdave
    copperdave Posts: 146
    Hey Heather! Welcome to the best health site on the web. I'm in this to lose 50 lbs, and I have to constantly remind myself -- one day at a time! Enjoy the "little" victories and set realistic short-term goals. Everyone here is really supportive, so we're always here if you're having a "weak" day. Feel free to "friend" me and good luck with your goals!