any suggestions?

Hey guys im 21 and i have 2 kids which is were i gained my extra weight i only want to lose 40lbs and im on a 1200 cal diet i started a few days ago i cant excerise because i have a very rare inner ear disorder from giving birth so im constantly dizzy and im looking at my next surgery to get it fixed but until then does anyone have any good food and snack ideas or has went on a 1200 cal diet with no excerise and did it work? also if anyone has good snacks or food ideas like recipes id love to hear them as long as they arent sea food lol


  • halphord
    halphord Posts: 379 Member
    First, stay away from sodas and processed foods as much as possible. I'd try to stick with nuts, fruits, veggies and protein as much as you can. You may be able to at least walk 30 minutes a day...and get some activity in that way. I have vertigo, although mine is much better now and hardly bothers me at all...but, I know that dizzy feeling and it's the worst. Good luck to you!!!
  • corrinnebrown
    corrinnebrown Posts: 345 Member
    I eat kashi go leans oatmeal for breakfast and it usually keeps me full until lunch, Also try the special k protein shakes
  • jenniferdavispowell
    For snacks just do healthy like unsalted nuts, fresh Fruit, fresh veggies, and low fat yogurt. Its a lot about quantity and drink nothing but water no soda, tea (unless unsweet), and or coffee. Only thing besides water Im drinking is crystal light, walmarts brand cheaper lol and not bad I like it anyway. But Ive been drinking at least 8 cups of water a day which is nothing its 4 bottles of 1/2 l deer park. Also cutting carbs like potatoes, bread, and pasta also no sweets (cookies, cakes, even 100 calorie packs STAY AWAY) are a big help first week is the hardest. I hope this helps you!!!!!!
  • Nichole90
    Nichole90 Posts: 118
    thanks everyone! and i cant do any straining because it puts more pressure...its called superior canal dehisence if anyone wants to read about it...the surgery is major ive had one side done already 5hrs in surg 4 days in ICU and now its possibly failed...joys! :@ ..the surgery is also considerd a brain surgery since they had to lift my brain to fix my temporal bone
  • jenneyd
    jenneyd Posts: 308 Member
    I love baby carrots and light popcorn! 14 baby carrots are only 35 calories. 3 cups of popcorn is only 60 calories! Love those two things for snack eating while watching tv or playing on computer. drink your water, it will help you feel full and flush your system! you should see a difference with the 1200 calories program, especially since you are moving around during the day, following kids, doing laundry, picking up after them. 1200 is the bare minimum your body needs. good luck with your journey. Add me as a friend if you like!
  • Dawntodusk
    Dawntodusk Posts: 262 Member
    Sorry to hear about your health problems. I eat 1200 a day (assigned to me by MFP) and although I do some exercise most days, there are days when I do none. I eat no sugar or refined carbs. For breakfast I usually have full-fat Greek yogurt and some fruit. Or I have whole grain toast with peanut butter. For a snack I have 2T of almonds. For lunch I have some sort of lean meat, veggies and some sort of whole grain carb. Again for a snack I either have almonds of full-fat Greek yogurt (1/4 cup). For dinner I again have some sort of lean meat, veggies and whole grain carb. I break it up like this: 300 cal breakfast, 150 cal snack, 300 cal lunch, 150 cal snack, 300 cal dinner (more or less). If I get hungry after dinner (which I RARELY DO), I sip on herbal tea. It is REALLY IMPORTANT to not eat any sugar or refined carbs (white flour, white rice, potatoes) because they take up calories without nourishing. You need to make every calorie count. At the end of the day I am always low on my carbs (according to MFP), but high on protein and fat. But, I am losing about a pound a week, so I'm satisfied. Good luck on your surgeries and your health.