I cannot find the perfect time of day to workout. Frustrate

I don't know if I am asking for advice, or just whining - I suppose both. But I just cannot find a time of day to workout that makes me happy. I can't seem to get up early enough in the morning to get it out of the way before the morning rigamorol starts in my household (kids off to school, etc). When I first wake up, I am stiff and cannot even think of exercise for a good hour. That would require me to wake at 5 am. I don't see that happening.

I have decent luck working out while everyone is in school at around 8:30 am. But, when I do that, I tire myself out and essentially waste my "free" time at home without kids when I can really get a lot done around the house, so then the housework suffers.

If I workout after my youngest gets home from preschol (11:30) then I feel bad for not spending time with her, plus half of my workout time is spent checking on her and getting frustrated.

MId afternoon (3:00) is a challenge because the kids are ALL home from school and need snacks, want to play outside, need homework help and so I feel guilty then for not being present for that hour.

Evening works ok except by that time of day I am pooped and really make every excuse not to do it - its hard to get motivated.

So, you see, I have tried different times, but cannot get this "perfect" time. I've also tried doing it different every day and fitting it in where I can on a day by day basis, but then I end up doing it sometimes at night, then the next morning and my body barely gets 12 hours of rest in between workouts.

So - does anyone have any opinions or encouragment? Help me narrow this down - I am going crazy trying to maintain a schedule.


  • sheilamo
    sheilamo Posts: 115 Member
    Do you have a significant other? I was having the same issues and then when I didn't make a workout I guilted myself (just like you).

    I sat down with my family and told them that I needed some "mommy" time. 1 hour a day, either in the morning and later in the evening. That means that I was going to need everyone to pitch in a little more.

    If everyone could take 1 duty off your shoulders you might find it a lot easier and not feel guilt, failure and everything else "bad" that comes with that.
  • brendansmom1
    brendansmom1 Posts: 530 Member
    Personally, I would do the 8:30 am thing. Eat something light earlier to give you a boost, and then eat your breakfast, with something high protein after your workout...that should help with the energy to get you through the rest of the day.

    You won't do your kids much good if you are sluggish and out of shape either, so I would do the workout and once it becomes routine, you will be able to manage it all!!

    Hang in there...feel free to add me as a friend if you want the support and a butt kickin' once and awhile. LOL :bigsmile:
  • gavin03
    gavin03 Posts: 39
    It's hard to find that right time. Once you get into a routine it gets easier. I get up every morning at 3:45 and go to the gym at 4:15 and work out until 6 when my husband has to leave for work. I have three kids and they all have different things going on so for me it is easier to get up early and do it. Then I can get on with my day. Hope you can find something that works for you. Good luck:smile:
  • gavin03
    gavin03 Posts: 39
    It's hard to find that right time. Once you get into a routine it gets easier. I get up every morning at 3:45 and go to the gym at 4:15 and work out until 6 when my husband has to leave for work. I have three kids and they all have different things going on so for me it is easier to get up early and do it. Then I can get on with my day. Hope you can find something that works for you. Good luck:smile:
  • Glitter_pumpkin
    Why don't you try to incorporate your workout into your housework.
    - Try doing squats when you're washing dishes or cleaning the cabinets.
    - Try holding your stomach in while you walk around to strengthen your abs
    - Try taking two steps at a time when going up and down the stairs.
    - Try standing on one leg when cleaning the table and bounce around and then switch legs
    A workout doesn't have to be work, it can be fun and you can just add little things in throughout the day.
    Or you can try to do a little 5 minute workout at different times of the day to make it add up to 30 minutes or run around a play outside with your kids and that's a really fun workout.
  • SolidGoaled
    SolidGoaled Posts: 504 Member
    Gavin - what time do you go to bed??

    Brendansmom - after reading your post, I think I might try harder to make the 8:30 time work.

    Thanks guys - any other thoughts welcome.
  • MightyMom4
    MightyMom4 Posts: 180
    I am a mom of 4 and work full time, so I see your dilemma. Everyday varies for me...sometimes I workout in the morning, sometimes I work out at night. I too am NOT and early riser. So if I work out in the morning it's after my older kids get on the bus, but this usually means I am late for work (I have a nice boss, so not a big deal) but I don't like to do that all the time. Most times I work out in the evening...and sadly to say it's usually after the kids are in bed...so 8:30 - 9:00ish. It was tough to start with, but now I don't mind either time, and I actually look forward to it. If you can't fit in an hour workout, get a 20-30 minute workout like the 30 Day Shred...you get cardio and strength training all in one and your done. Find something your kids can do with you, go for a walk, play tag, ride bike, swim...JUST DO!!! Good Luck on your journey...hope you find something that works for you!