6 Week Challenge- Week 2

TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
Hey everyone.

Day 8 of 63 COMPLETE---- INSANITY that is!

yesterday i had burger king and other stuff i'm i'm ok with that, lifestyle change right. that doesn't mean i'll never have BK again!

hope all are doing well.

Goal for this week is to be down to 154 by sunday, and continue the Insanity program even though I'm going out of town this weekend.

For any newcomers:

Post your SW , GW for the week, and GW for the end . As well as mini goals for the week. Check in as often as you can. Weigh in days are Sunday, BUT if you have another day or just can't on sunday thats fine, just weigh in once a week :D


  • sxfitpt
    sxfitpt Posts: 1 Member
    hey there

    i'm on day 8 too (technically day 22 but started again after the first 2 weeks as i'd gone from absolutly no training to that and needed the first 2 weeks to build my fitness back up!) totally love the insanity program apart from the fitness test it's just not enough so have been following it with the pure cardio. keep me posted how you get on

    ciao for now
  • mollymoo89
    mollymoo89 Posts: 202
    Hey everyone! Yay for week 2!!

    For motivational Monday: I am making myself work my core, which I absolutely hate doing! Since today is my rest day, I will do it tomorrow along with my workout.

    Already logged my food today and I'm 280 calories over. I'm not really worried since my minimum is 1200.

    For tomorrow: stay with a Net calorie range of 1200-1400. Drink 10 glasses of water. Work core, cardio, and weights.

    Hope everyone is having a great week! I'm hoping to be down to 123 this week.
  • I am not doing so well with this challenge, my life has become a challenge lately. I have not been eating enough and with all the activities with my daughter and my work and school I have not had the time to exercise the way I want to. Take right now, my 9 year old is standing over me waiting to leave for her Karate. I will try my hardest again this week, I WILL NOT GIVE UP!!!!!
  • Mundy86
    Mundy86 Posts: 167 Member
    I'll join, works out perfect for my cruise at the begining of May. Don't even want to think of what the cruise is going to do to my motivation, as I know I will gain weight. Cross that bridge when I come to it.

    As of last Friday I was 236.5, I'll weigh in tomorrow and switch to Monday weigh ins.

    Goal for 5 weeks: 225lbs...11.5lbs to lose...may adjust depending on weight tomorrow.

    Each week the goal is about 2lbs.

    1. 30 day shred 4 days...1/4 days done on Sunday
    2. Eat 4 times druing the day.

    Lets do this!!!
  • mollymoo89
    mollymoo89 Posts: 202

    I was originally going to have left over pizza for dinner which would have me over by 280 calories. Instead I opted for a 6inch sub from subway with a bag of chips and apple slices and I'm only 80 calories over!!!

    Kitkat: glad to see your back! Just stick with it and take it one day at a time. Cliff bars are relatively high in calories and protein, 270 cals 20g of protein. That might help you with eating more. Also try almonds and peanut butter with an apple!

    Sassy: I commend you on doing insanity!!! I wanna be like you when I grow up! I've known a lot of people who have done it and my bf just started with it again today.

    Mundy: Welcome to the group!! Totally jealous you're going on a cruise! I've been on one and they're so much fun! I was supposed to go to Hawaii for spring break but then the tsunami hit.

    Tomorrows challenge for me:
    - drink 12 glasses of water (H2O Tuesdays)
    - work out my core (from Motivational Monday)
    - NET calories of 1200-1400
    - cardio and weights

    Have a great day everyone and feel free to add me!
  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    I am not doing so well with this challenge, my life has become a challenge lately. I have not been eating enough and with all the activities with my daughter and my work and school I have not had the time to exercise the way I want to. Take right now, my 9 year old is standing over me waiting to leave for her Karate. I will try my hardest again this week, I WILL NOT GIVE UP!!!!!

    Keep trying. as for not eating enough try brining little things with you. kellogs fiber plus bars travel great along with apples a quick container of Chobani greek yogurt is beyond amazing!
  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member

    Sassy: I commend you on doing insanity!!! I wanna be like you when I grow up! I've known a lot of people who have done it and my bf just started with it again today.

    That made me laugh LOL....never in a million years did i think ANYONE would want to be like me....

    I struggle just like anyone else. We're all in it together, so hopefully some day you can return the favor when I need it :D
  • jessski
    jessski Posts: 24
    Hey Ladies WEEK 2!!! We made it.. Im a little late but I am here, Been a good day so far within my calories and I just returned from the gym. and about to have a yogurt :) (instead of the chicken strips I want)

    Motivational monday is remembering how far I have come and not letting little failures let me down and discourage me..

    My Goal for the week is to get my water in I have been really slackin in the water area

    SW 190
    CW 188
    This Weeks Goal Weight 186

    See Yall tomorrow (Im canadian and should never say yall again)
  • keryn92
    keryn92 Posts: 9
    Hey, I'm joining in one week late. Better late than never I guess. So just to recap I have been really good for the past week. I lost the 2 pounds that I was supposed to loose. I also did my 2 mini workouts each day. The only trouble I had was eating all of my calories. I always seem to end up with about 50 calories left. Anyways on to a new week and I am going to continue with what I have been doing.

    SW:143 weighed in today
    GW for next week: 141
    GW: 125

    Mini goals
    Tues- do my regular two mini work outs and the first day of hundredpushups.com
    Wed- drink 12 glasses of water
    Thurs- Tone it up workout pyramid
    Fri- eat healthy even on date night
  • Mundy86
    Mundy86 Posts: 167 Member
    I too would like to try the insanity workout. A few of my coworkers have done it and seem to enjoy it. Right now I'm just trying to get back in the swing of exercising after a bad month. Lots of excuses in March.

    Today is a new day.

    Eating 4 times a day is difficult. I want to eat all my calories at one time. I have never had the issue of not eatting all my calories, more like eating to many. Loging food is very important to me because I still am adjusting to eating less. Hoping that eating about every 3 hours will help with me being hungry all the time.

    Heard it takes 20 days to make/change a habit. ~53 days in and it is easier but still difficult.
  • jessski
    jessski Posts: 24
    Hey guys I wanted to check in. I have had a rough couple days. They always start off good until I get home from work and want to go out for supper. I have to start over, the weather is becomming bearable (above freezing by 1 degree) and I am striving to find my drive. I just want all good food to taste bad and vice versa. Anyways I am starting again today and hopefully I will be the same weight on Sunday at weigh in. I am defenently not expecting a loss this week. as for now I am off to the gym where I hope my trainer will kick my butt into gear

  • Mundy86
    Mundy86 Posts: 167 Member
    It is difficult to eat healthy when you go out. I'm on a 12 hour trip to pick up my bother inlaw and just stopped for gas and a snack, I must have looked likea crazy person picking each package up to see the serving size and calories.
    Wish I could get to my Facebook easily, I have put a quote on there that inspires me and would like to share.

    Each day is a new start. Make it what you want.
  • mollymoo89
    mollymoo89 Posts: 202
    Hey everyone! Hope y'all have had a great week so far! I've done pretty good with exercise and eating. I've only gone over a few times but it wasn't by much. I'm getting a final workout in for the week tomorrow. I won't be able to weigh in Monday but I will Tuesday morning. I hate how slow the weight is coming off though. Despite what the scale says though, I can tell I'm getting leaner!
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