Looking for friends to lose 10 lbs by Memorial Day!

emiskins Posts: 92 Member
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
I feel like Memorial Day is the official start to summer and I know I will be more comfortable and confident if I can lose 10 more pounds by then. I'm looking for buddies to join me in this so we can keep each other on track!


  • kelly6485
    kelly6485 Posts: 78
    I am striving to reach my goal weight by m birthday, which is June 4th. I have about 12 # to go, So I guess count me in!!! =)
  • gatorflyer
    gatorflyer Posts: 536 Member
    I'm in. Friend me if you'll like.
  • I'm in! Let's do this!
  • phol54
    phol54 Posts: 6
    I could use a deadline to help me get back on track. Let's do this.
  • I'm in!
  • waverly9876
    waverly9876 Posts: 605 Member
    Im in!
  • shelli1982
    shelli1982 Posts: 133
    i'm in too! My birthday is the 24th of May (not sure when Memorial day is this year??) but yeah, add me, i'd love some motivation!!
  • SarahR1984
    SarahR1984 Posts: 212
    I'm in! How does this work, will we have a thread or just friend each other?
  • grnfrog12
    grnfrog12 Posts: 10
    Im in! I have a wedding that weekend. That would be a great help to find a dress!
  • whodatgrl
    whodatgrl Posts: 111
    Im in :wink:
  • rmarshalla
    rmarshalla Posts: 103 Member
    I'm totally in! I'm visiting my longtime bf in Spain during the first week of June and was looking to lose between 10-15 lbs before the trip/seeing him, so this is perfect! Let's do this! :)

    PS New favorite breakfast: 1 cup cooked oatmeal, no sweetener, 1/5 cup raisins cooked in, with 1/4 cup Vanilla Light SILK Soymilk, sprinkeled with cinnamon. Delicious!! and super nutritious.
    The energy from the healthy oats (complex carb) keeps you going and full for at least three hours, the raisins sweeten it up, and the cinnamon + soymilk combo makes it taste like a cookie (haha). Try it!

  • BlueSkies_12
    BlueSkies_12 Posts: 74 Member
    I'm so IN! i am currently 149 and as long as i hit 139.9 by Memorial Day, i will be happy!!!!
  • rmarkus
    rmarkus Posts: 14 Member
    I need to and I also need motivation! Maybe if we keep each other on track that would help!
  • tneeland
    tneeland Posts: 24 Member
    Count me in even though these last ten have been hard.
  • I would love to be in!
  • Jacquelyn913
    Jacquelyn913 Posts: 300 Member
    I'd like to join!
  • mizor
    mizor Posts: 2
    That is my goal too! Lets do it together, I could use a buddy.
  • I would love to be in on this one! Count me in
  • Bostongirl40
    Bostongirl40 Posts: 24 Member
    I am in , 10 lbs to loose by memorial is a very good goal for me...Let's do it.
    Feel free to add me as a friend
  • Yes Im so so in!!!!! I def need a fitness friend!!
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