

  • DancingYogini
    Oh, and even my DH said I was "obsessed" because I do a ton of yoga...but I do it not only for the physical side, but for the emotional side...my depression is so much better since I started :smile:
  • petchonka82
    petchonka82 Posts: 156
    I agree they are jealous and probably can't understand because they can't succeed. In your posted pic you look good. You're taller than me, I'm 5'7", and I personally only want to get to about 150 because any thinner is too thin for me...sooo it could also be their perception. Whatever it is, you can't let them hinder what YOU want. Keep at it. As long as your doctor agrees you're not overdoing it then there is nothing anyone else can say. Congrats on your progress girlie!
  • julie0477
    julie0477 Posts: 10 Member
    Charrisse you know I love you and I'd tell you if I thought something was wrong. You look good and you look healthy. Keep being balanced like you are and you WILL meet your goal in a healthy way. You are doing it the right way! Don't worry about them. I am sure they (at least the one that I have in mind) have good intentions. Some people do get carried away and hurt themselves and I am sure that witnessing that is pretty tough so when they see some one they care about lose weight quickly they immediately go there. But I know and you know thats not whats going on in your case. Keep on keepin on! :)