Frustrated... :-(

Damyers65 Posts: 3 Member
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
So, I have been exercising 25 of the last 27 days...watching what I eat...but not losing inches or pounds. Any suggestions???


  • waverly9876
    waverly9876 Posts: 605 Member
    Open up your diary so we can help you. Are you drinking enough water? What kind of workouts are you doing?
  • Are you eating back some or most of your exercise calories? When I started eating more of my calories I started losing.
  • nomayyy
    nomayyy Posts: 28
    Watching what you eat as in counting calories?
    Because even though you're making healthier choices, your calorie intake may not be creating a deficit, meaning you wont lose weight, PLUS you could be gaining muscle mass, so even though you're actually losing fat, you're gaining muscle so your weight is not budging.
  • adams4101
    adams4101 Posts: 44 Member
    I've had the same issue. I joined a gym two months ago and got a personal trainer. I've been watching what I eat too. I lost like 9 lbs the first two weeks or so and since then I've gained like 3 back??? I don't understand. I joined here only a few days ago. This is day 4 for me, so I hope that it helps bc I am having the same issues.
  • Damyers65
    Damyers65 Posts: 3 Member
    How do I open my diary? I probably don't drink enough water...only can get 4-6 glasses in me a day. I either do a 25 minute walk/jog on the treadmill...or 25-45 minutes of Zumba.

    Most days I'm right at my calorie goal without the exercise...then I'm under after exercise. There have been a few days that have been over, but not many.
  • 4yardley
    4yardley Posts: 1
    I just started on this site, but have found it helps to eat a balance of carbs, fat and protein at EVERY meal and snack. Something to do with the way the body metabolizes food, I think. Also, I've heard a lot of people do well when they cut out all refined grain & sugar. I did it a week ago & lost 2.3 pounds this week.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    I'm certainly no expert, but perhaps your body just needs a change in one direction or another to get your metabolism going. If you have been below your calories allowed, try going over by about 200 calories for 2 days in a row. I'n newish to this site but had been counting calories on my own since Jan. and got "stuck" even though I was working out and eating less than calories allowed. I went over my 1400 hundred by about 200, so ate 1600 2 days in a row and then went back down below 1400. It seemed to get me going again and I have been on track since.

    Another option, if you've been at or just above your calorie count is to do a quick 2-3 day fast--something like Master Cleanse would work. I did that when I started this and it really helped to jump start my weight loss.

    Just some possible ideas and a bump--b/c I want to see what others have done.
  • adams4101
    adams4101 Posts: 44 Member
    My husband said that to me. We do a lot of weight training and a lot of people say that I look thinner and I've gone down a size, but it's just not saying that on the scale. I joined here too bc I thought even though i was eating healthy I was actually consuming too many calories and not realizing it. I've been sticking to my diary do hopefully it helps. I have a lot of calories left over though. It's not so low that it says that I'm eating to little but I still have like 800-1000 left a day. Is that okay? I do eat a good bit of food, and exercise a lot.
  • RDH0513
    RDH0513 Posts: 245 Member
    If you have kind of been eating the same, it would help to go over for a day or two. your body, like everything really, always wants to reach a state of equilibrium, so it does help to throw tf for a loop! if you are doing the same workouts every time , it may help to change them up as well! also- if you are eating more simple carbs, try to cut those out and eat more complex carbs. good luck! :)
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