I'm soliciting myself.

For friendship, that is! (Don't get carried away).

I've been using MFP for about 15 days. I desperately need to accumulate a community of encouraging and like-minded individuals to exchange tips, tricks, kind words, thoughts, witticisms, adages, quotes, quips, telegrams, and/or sonnets so that we can help KEEP EACH OTHER ON TRACK!

Anyone out there looking to expand their friend base for the good of their soul, please feel free to add me.
I fancy myself a very supportive and laid-back internet friend.
Can't wait to hear from you all.

Happy dieting,


  • monkeyboy881
    hahahaha darn not what i thought you were gonna say jk meet all my friends on here we are family :heart:
  • CampinGal34
    CampinGal34 Posts: 84 Member
    Sounds Great!! I'd love to swap motivation with ya!! Always looking for fun quips, kind words, thoughts, witticisms, and especially telegrams! :) I've sent you a request!
  • nanna1958
    You can add me... I would love to be your support