I know it's a free site but Milky Way Caramel ads? Seriously

Ok, so MFP is a free site, I get that. I do however find it odd that I went to three different sections of the site only to see in this order: An ad for Milky Way Caramel, one for some decadent Pilsbury creation, followed up by Natures Bounty asking me if I needed digestive support. Natures Bounty totally belongs on the site. The other two may be some of the best marketing I have ever seen. Let's bombard the guy who is sitting at home recording his food journal with pictures of a smooth, luscious, chocolate covered treat.

I am proud to report that I DID NOT jump in my car and speed down the block to 7-11 to get one. I sat here, wrote a rambling statement about it, and now I'm going to bed. Without the Milky Way. For me, Victory.:glasses:


  • ponchita08
    HAHA! I was just thinking that earlier. Like, really MFP why are you advertising delicious candy bars while I am trying to not think about chocolate!!
  • alliecore
    alliecore Posts: 446 Member
    I totally know what you mean! LOL
    When I first joined, there was this cupcake with blue frosting that made me want to lick my computer! It was torture. Honestly though, you do get to where you don't even notice them anymore. You said Milky Way, and I was like, Huh? Looked up, and there it was!:laugh: It does get easier, I promise!
  • Chrissynee
    Chrissynee Posts: 3 Member
    I say good for you .I never bothered to pay attention to the ads but as I opened your message there it was right next to it, an add for the Milky way. LOL.
  • red01angel
    red01angel Posts: 806 Member
    Ad Blocker Plus. Seriously, I haven't seen a single ad on my browser since I downloaded it.
  • ericzintx
    ericzintx Posts: 32
    Ads are prompted by keywords in our posts, etc. So when we write M i l k y W a y, there's a mighty good chance it will prompt an ad for one. Just the way it works.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    The ads that come up on here are based on personal browser history. I get very, very different ads depending on if I'm on my phone, my work computer or my home laptop. I get different ads almost every time I navigate to a new page via my phone because I do about 90% of my "computing" on it so it has the most varied searches. Stuff I see on food shows, stuff I read about here, maps, general info, etc.

    The ads on my work computer only rotate around three or four different ads total. I don't do hardly any general searches on my work computer so mostly the ads seem to be directly related to the site itself. I get the foods you should never eat ad with the giant banana, the slim down one with the animated line drawing of a woman, and a couple of others that are more pictorial and I never pay attention to.

    My home laptop gives me mostly the same ads I see at work along with the occasional coupon ad for things like Cream of Wheat, Kellogg's Fiber Plus and VitaTops. And then the occasional weight loss patch ad or additional health/weight stuff since I did most of my searching for how to break plateaus and different exercise info on that computer.
  • Dipmom
    Dipmom Posts: 228 Member
    I'm overseas, and mine has all you can eat ice cream! Oh...and cell phones.
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    I don't get any Ads.
  • ababygrace
    ababygrace Posts: 123
    I have a Sandals vacation on mine. Oh how I would love to purchase that right about now.