Disastrous Weekend

This is my confession...

I went back to my college for the weekend with friends.

I ate and drank whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted.

I paid for it today on the scale.

I left at 167.8 last Thursday. This morning, I was a staggering 177.2

I know that a lot of this will come off in the next few days, but psychologically it's a bit tolling to feel as though all of my hard work over the past months just disappeared.

I want to get a ton of fiber into my system to get my GI track moving.

I might have gained 3 or 4 pounds of real weight? Anybody else have an opinion?


  • ThisIsJeffHere
    This is my confession...

    I went back to my college for the weekend with friends.

    I ate and drank whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted.

    I paid for it today on the scale.

    I left at 167.8 last Thursday. This morning, I was a staggering 177.2

    I know that a lot of this will come off in the next few days, but psychologically it's a bit tolling to feel as though all of my hard work over the past months just disappeared.

    I want to get a ton of fiber into my system to get my GI track moving.

    I might have gained 3 or 4 pounds of real weight? Anybody else have an opinion?
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    You would have had to take in an INSANE amount of calories or 2 days for it to be "real" weight. You probably ate a ton of sodium filled foods if I know MY college buddies :wink: so that probably has something to do with it, too.
    Your hard work hasn't diappeared. Just pick yourself up & move on & you'll start seeing results again real soon.

    Just my opinion, Jeff!
  • ohthatbambi
    ohthatbambi Posts: 1,098 Member
    I bet after a day of detox the scale is a bit more friendly tomorrow. Don't despair, we all have those times when we give in. At least you faced the scale knowing you partied hard all weekend. I would have just avoided it for a few days!
  • Anna_Banana
    Anna_Banana Posts: 2,939 Member
    Lots of water and high fiber foods, and you'll be good as new
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    Just get right back on track and you'll be fine..one bad day/weekend isn't going to make a huge impact
    When I mess up (like i did this weekend) I don't even get on the scale for a week or so....

    Good luck