New to the site

Hello there! I am Michelle, living in the Atlanta area and somebody recommended this site and here I am. I have lost around 30 pounds doing one of the famous weight loss programs and even though I started it with a lot of motivation, they switched the program and I don't like the new approach. I think is time to try something new to get my motivation back and lose some more weight. I do have a lot to lose so I need to find that motivation back SOON! I have to say I started the Insanity workout and lets just say it is INSANE! I think that was what I needed to get me going. You know how you exercise and the don't want to screw it up eating the wrong thing... well that's me :)

Hopefully I will make some new friends and all you will help me keep accountable. This is a long and difficult journey but I am sure we can all go through it together.

Have a good one!



  • debcarv
    debcarv Posts: 256 Member
    Hi Michelle, I had also been doing anotherb program while doing this, I was doing the new WW Points Plus, did'nt work for me. I have better results here and more support from the friends you meet on this site. Good luck to you , feel free to add me as a friend.
  • robinmath
    robinmath Posts: 59
    Welcome! I'm sure you will really enjoy this site and all the support. I've been on the site now for a little over 2 months. I'm addicted LOL. Most of all it really works! Best of luck on your journey.