If I don't need to smell 'pretty' for the gym, neither do yo



  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member
    I HATE that!!
    There are a couple of cougars (and a few strippers) that work out at my gym that I'm pretty sure are there to try to find prey.. hahahhaha
    Luckily its a big gym, so if they stay long I can relocate, I just go take a potty break and then come back to a different machine. But most of the time they don't stay on a machine long enough to get sweaty, so I can usually just tough it out... but like I said, its a big gym.
    Hopefully that guy works out at a regular, predictable, time so you can avoid him in the future :)
    Good luck!
  • mkspriggs
    mkspriggs Posts: 26 Member
    Even though I do agree with you. The American population has rated the gym as the best place to get a date. so with that said they are going to continue to do it. I have a friend that works out everyday and I must say at least once a week he meets someone else.
  • DoReMiFaSoLaTiDo
    Im a germophobe as well as a Class A jerk at times....

    I carry a can of Lysol with me at ALL times at the gym... the folks at my local Ballys are pretty good about wiping off the handle on gym eqpt but often forget you were on other parts of the body.... so before and after my workouts, I wpie off the seat and handles with the wet wipe thing the gym provides and then I spray down the machine with my lysol...

    the thing is, I expect body odor at the gym so that doesnt bother me... but perfume/cologne/aftershave pisses me of to no avail....When someone near me has on too much, I accidentally-on purpose let them see me spraying their path as the are not quite out of earshot/line of sight....
  • rockabillydarlin
    rockabillydarlin Posts: 244 Member
    Im a germophobe as well as a Class A jerk at times....

    I carry a can of Lysol with me at ALL times at the gym... the folks at my local Ballys are pretty good about wiping off the handle on gym eqpt but often forget you were on other parts of the body.... so before and after my workouts, I wpie off the seat and handles with the wet wipe thing the gym provides and then I spray down the machine with my lysol...

    the thing is, I expect body odor at the gym so that doesnt bother me... but perfume/cologne/aftershave pisses me of to no avail....When someone near me has on too much, I accidentally-on purpose let them see me spraying their path as the are not quite out of earshot/line of sight....

    lol oh my goodness! I agree with you about wiping the machine, though. If I use a bike or weight machine I always clean the seat (butt part and back rest) as well as the handles.

    I don't even put on deodorant right before I go to the gym -- I use Dove, which has an antiperspirant in it. I don't think it's that healthy to STOP yourself from sweating when you're working out, since it's how you cool down. Plus when I sweat I feel like I'm working hard. I expect people to be a little stinky when they're working out; it doesn't bother me because I'm sure I smell after a good burn, too lol.

    It's funny someone mentioned picking people up at the gym -- my friend says he doesn't look for girls at the gym because he doesn't think that sweaty girls are attractive. Kind of the opposite of what seems to be a trend, I guess! :P
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I dont see why people drown themselves in prefume anyways,my brother does this and smells like he bathed in the stuff.Ugh a lil goes a long way.
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    Almost every gym I've ever worked for has had a "No Perfume/Cologne Policy" because there are too many people with allergies and asthma that it can cause serious problems for if someone comes in with ANY on, much less a gallon like the OP had to deal with. Some of the gyms posted signs about it because it can be a serious issue and if someone dies from an asthma attack the gym is responsible for the law suit for not providing a safe exercise environment. When I was a gym manager, I would literally tell people that I don't care if you think you stink or not, if your perfume makes my nose tickle, you will be kicked out of the gym. And if it happens more then once, you will be permanently banned. Period. Same thing with coming in reeking of smoke. Granted, I would joke about it in the initial sign-up session and say something like "I don't care if you smell like a chain-smoking stripper at home, but you aren't going to risk my members lives by smelling like that in my gym!" with a smile on my face, but if necessary, I enforced it too.

    Maybe you could mention to your complex about putting a sign up in the workout room about perfumes/colognes not being allowed due to the risks of others with asthma/allergies?
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    Wow, some ppl are weird. Hell I don't even shower before I go to the gym. I workout first thing in the morning and hell yesterday I forgot to put deo. on and I still didn't smell. LOL. I hate when ppl wear strong smellin perfumes. I am sensitive to strong smellin scents so I can totally understand. Hopefully if you workout tomorrow he wont be there!!
  • justsummie
    justsummie Posts: 320 Member
    Ok, I'll try telling my allergies to be more tolerant and respectful.

    Seriously, I taught Bikram yoga for six eight years, and still do hot yoga regularly, I literally have had hands on experience with more than my share of sweaty people. Yes, the factors you brought up can have an influence, but it is pretty rare for a person with goid hygeine to smell bad simply because they start to sweat. If anything, regular sweating helps to carry toxins out of their body - just wash it off afterwards. And this has nothing to do with thinking fat people stink, I am a fattie and I smell great without perfume.
    I have allergies too and I find that simply wiping down the machines or moving away from a person who has "over done it" to be more than effective. I see no reason to chastise people who wear a small/respectable amount of fragrance. I think a lot people find strong body odor to be just as distracting. If your allergies are so severe I guess it's fortunate for you that you found a gym that better suits your needs.

    When I was pregnant my body scent changed temporarily and trust me, it wasn't from lack of showering. My doctor confirmed that hormones and diet (along with genetics) have a huge impact on one's scent. I guess we are going to have to just agree to disagree on some of this.
  • itsjustme77
    itsjustme77 Posts: 102
    My students spray this junk all over themselves all throughout the day. It literally makes me sick. They have no cencept of how bad they smell, and the effect it has on other people.
  • michelle4271
    michelle4271 Posts: 194 Member
    I know, yesterday some girl was next to me all perfumed up. It got worse as she started to sweat! I would rather smell B.O. than that!!!

    I too have had several experiences like this, and I have asthma, so it doesnt make it any easier doing my cardio.

    As for the BO, its good to let the body sweat without an antipersprant or deoderant, so what better place to not even wear that?
  • BigBeaver
    BigBeaver Posts: 858 Member
    So this post has gone seriously awry. I am not here to defend anyone, or anything. I dont like the smell of overpowering cologne or perfume myself, but the gym is no place to worry about this. We, people and human beings, go to the gym to get a workout and a good sweat. Some people, those who you deem smelly from cologne, maybe coming from work, or other functions, which is why the smell "overly perfumed". It is there personal choice to do so. I don't let that bother me. If the smell is overbearing to you, move to another area and do another part of your workout. So what, people wear to much perfume or cologne, they may not even realize they are "offending" people with sensitive sniffers.
    A small amount of deordorant or body spray doesnt bother me. Again, when I go to the gym, I am focused on me and my workout. It is funny how some people complain of "over doing it with the cologne" and at the same time complain about the "Stench of B.O." It is human metaphysics that our bodies give off odor, some stronger then others based on diet, heridity and other factors. Ignore the smells and get your workout in, thats all that matters.
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Where I go to school its like a beauty pageant in the gym. The girls will wear a full face of makeup, matching outfits, and will tease their hair and wear jewelry!!! I don't understand it.

    i get the matching outfits, just cuz i love to match! even my pjs if i can! its just fun. but the other crap? makes me feel all gross and sticky just thinking about it! lol.
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    it's probably axe body spray, lol. my brother and his friends thought spraying it was an acceptable alternative to showering in high school. that stuff would give me an asthma attack in about 5 seconds! bleck!
  • amccrazgrl
    amccrazgrl Posts: 315 Member
    A little bit goes a long way. Like 2 sprays and not on top of your clothes direct skin contact.

    The other day some man walked by me and smelled like he just rolled out of an ash tray. Disgusting!! Then I was over a car length away trying to cool off on my way home and I could smell someones nasty cigarette.

    I'm fortunate enough that I can get by w/o wearing deodorant/antiperspirant and not smell.
  • Juicyyy
    Juicyyy Posts: 38 Member
    So this post has gone seriously awry. I am not here to defend anyone, or anything. I dont like the smell of overpowering cologne or perfume myself, but the gym is no place to worry about this. We, people and human beings, go to the gym to get a workout and a good sweat. Some people, those who you deem smelly from cologne, maybe coming from work, or other functions, which is why the smell "overly perfumed". It is there personal choice to do so. I don't let that bother me. If the smell is overbearing to you, move to another area and do another part of your workout. So what, people wear to much perfume or cologne, they may not even realize they are "offending" people with sensitive sniffers.
    A small amount of deordorant or body spray doesnt bother me. Again, when I go to the gym, I am focused on me and my workout. It is funny how some people complain of "over doing it with the cologne" and at the same time complain about the "Stench of B.O." It is human metaphysics that our bodies give off odor, some stronger then others based on diet, heridity and other factors. Ignore the smells and get your workout in, thats all that matters.

    Well said!!! I agree. I don't put on perfume or makeup to go to the gym, but I do at times go to the gym from work. I don't think I should have to shower and wash all perfume and makeup off before I start working out. I am usually limited on time, so my focus is on working out and burning the most calories in the least amount of time. If someones scent whether perfume or BO bothers you get up and move to the next machine. Its not that serious people. We should all be encouraging people and happy that we are doing something to make our lives healthier!
  • justsummie
    justsummie Posts: 320 Member
    So this post has gone seriously awry. I am not here to defend anyone, or anything. I dont like the smell of overpowering cologne or perfume myself, but the gym is no place to worry about this. We, people and human beings, go to the gym to get a workout and a good sweat. Some people, those who you deem smelly from cologne, maybe coming from work, or other functions, which is why the smell "overly perfumed". It is there personal choice to do so. I don't let that bother me. If the smell is overbearing to you, move to another area and do another part of your workout. So what, people wear to much perfume or cologne, they may not even realize they are "offending" people with sensitive sniffers.
    A small amount of deordorant or body spray doesnt bother me. Again, when I go to the gym, I am focused on me and my workout. It is funny how some people complain of "over doing it with the cologne" and at the same time complain about the "Stench of B.O." It is human metaphysics that our bodies give off odor, some stronger then others based on diet, heridity and other factors. Ignore the smells and get your workout in, thats all that matters.

    Well said!!! I agree. I don't put on perfume or makeup to go to the gym, but I do at times go to the gym from work. I don't think I should have to shower and wash all perfume and makeup off before I start working out. I am usually limited on time, so my focus is on working out and burning the most calories in the least amount of time. If someones scent whether perfume or BO bothers you get up and move to the next machine. Its not that serious people. We should all be encouraging people and happy that we are doing something to make our lives healthier!

    Totally agree.