Just Starting Out!

Hi everyone, I'm new on this site- just figuring everything out! I found this app on my phone and then finally got into the website... I'm hoping to have a success story to share by next year! I've struggled with my weight literally my whole life, but this site so far looks awesome & i'm planning on using it alot more :)


  • gregh74
    gregh74 Posts: 16 Member
    You'll love this site. Just be consistant and track your food and exercise. No matter what kind of day you have had.
  • xnattiex
    xnattiex Posts: 143 Member
    Hi :) Good luck with your weight loss! :)
  • LissaBaby14
    Thank you! :) I guess I'm gonna have to admit if I cheat on the weekends. haha I think I can, I think I can!
  • RadGirl2013
    Hi ya! This website has been awesome for me...I just started last week but I can already tell a difference! I love the fact that I can eat whatever I want as long as I stay in my calories. There is little guilt with this program...the key is consitency! I hope to be sharing your success and to be at my goal next year too! Good luck!
  • LissaBaby14
    That's so awesome! It seems like consistency plans huge role, and who knows sticking to this may even improve my studying habits! I love your quote, I have a huge sweet tooth so I will be thinking of that the next time I reach for a cookie! :) Thank you!
  • celestialanglz
    Welcome to MFP, LissaBaby14! This community is great because it's filled with a diverse range of people with different goals and lifestyles -- but all consistently supportive and motivated!
  • bdtaylor2009
    Welcome to MFP good luck
  • LissaBaby14
    Thank you both!!
  • dj73
    dj73 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi and welcome,
    I'm new to MFP as well, a friend at work recommended it. I like how you can tailor your wl goals and they tell you how many calories a day to eat. I also like after submitting your sheet for the it tells you what you could weigh if everyday was like today, it gives me the motivation I need. Tried WW last summer/fall and lost 33 lbs with another 40 to go but couldn't afford it anymore so I' gladI found this site. Good luck to you, I'll be rooting for you.

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