Hi all

My wife and I started using this i Phone app about two weeks ago, yes I know I downloaded it months ago....shame on me. Anyway we started tracking what we eat and have started doing a combination of Power 90 and P90x (so far the only P90x is the stretching video).

Last year I went to a weight loss doc and lost weight on meds, some of which were and are needed due to having low testosterone and last year low hypo-thyroidism that seems to be ok now with no meds. Anyway this year is going to be because I worked not because of weight loss drugs.

My 7 pounds in the last week is all from diet change and not exceeding my 2000 calorie limit. I will inch it down as needed but for now it is 2000 calories, my BMR is 2300 and I have been staying under my 2000 limit everyday. I was eating probably 3000-3500 calories a day a couple of weeks ago. I cut out colas entirely.

Anyway hi.


  • cwitham5345
    cwitham5345 Posts: 8 Member
    Any other Indiana people here?
  • Dipmom
    Dipmom Posts: 228 Member
    I have been doing Power 90, but been to afraid to even open my P90X. I think I'll pull out the stretching one and give it a try. I've been to Indiana!
  • cwitham5345
    cwitham5345 Posts: 8 Member
    My wife loves the stretching video although she is super flexible anyway, I however found it to be a workout in and of itself. I don't stretch at all or at least I didnt until last week.
  • Dipmom
    Dipmom Posts: 228 Member
    I'm going to give it a try tomorrow.
  • cwitham5345
    cwitham5345 Posts: 8 Member
    Good for you, have fun and don't push past safe zones until you feel your muscles release.

    Good luck.