So scared to step on the scale.....

kyndra87 Posts: 20
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
I know part of loosing weight requires me to track my progress, but I get so disappointed when I step on the scale....this is my first time using mfp (just downloaded it yesterday) and I am just praying that by the end of this week that I see the number on the scale go down....been working out for months now and I haven't seen any results, I later realized that it was because of my diet.....does anybody else get kind of nervous before stepping on the scale?


  • Nanadena
    Nanadena Posts: 739 Member
    :flowerforyou: I used to. I was obsessive about my weight. It led to an eating disorder that lasted for decades. This time I am doing it right and not getting crazy. I know I have gained weight and there is only one way to take it off. You will be fine. It will come off just like it came on, one lb at a time:flowerforyou:
  • Awe, you should never be nervous before getting on the scale. If you have worked hard all week long then you deserve to see the numbers drop. Weighing yourself every week makes you accountable and pushes you to work harder. Getting on that scale is the first step, by owning how much you weigh you are already making a healthy, lifelong, decision.
  • gigipamw
    gigipamw Posts: 7
    I completely understand that. I was on WW and lost 60 pounds and then gained back 10, so I'm trying to get my last 10-15 pounds off. I started MFP a week ago today. I have been very faithful tracking and exercising every day. I set my goal to lose 1.5 pounds a week and exercise 4 days a week. With the exercise, I have been under calories most days and got on the scales this morning and gained a pound! Why? Don't get it.
  • emsibun
    emsibun Posts: 208
    I am hearing every part of what you say :wink:

    I do plenty of exercise. I'd reached a bit of a plateau and it dawned on me that it's possibly to do with my diet, so I joined MFP yesterday.

    I weigh in at a local clinic every Friday. I'm both looking forward to and dreading this Friday. What if this hasn't worked? What do I do then?

    I've been adjusting my diet and making changes due to what I see when logging my food and exercise diary - I'm taking it seriously.

    Let's just both have faith this week? Then re-assess if it hasn't worked? :happy:
  • jewelzz
    jewelzz Posts: 326 Member
    I to am afraid:sad:
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    Don't do it. I went 2.5 weeks with out looking at one and got to see a 6 lb drop the other day! Weigh once a month, than you're GUARANTEED to lose something!
  • kyndra87
    kyndra87 Posts: 20
    asathrswoman: I was actually thinking about doing that....I don't want to do it every week...I tend to get easily discouraged...but based off of the responses, I am not alone! lol!
  • Don't worry much about the weight, watch the measurement of your waist. As you exercise and become more active, you can gain and lose weight based on how much muscle mass you gain and fat lost. Just stay positive with your healthy diet and the inches will melt off.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I used to be very very obssesed with the scale,but then I relized that letting the scale control my mood and how I feel about what im doing is counterproductive.It still gets to me everynow and then.I wish I could tell you a way to not let it bother you but i think the idea of only weighing in once a month is a great idea.
  • TheNewLK
    TheNewLK Posts: 933 Member
    I am going to start weighing once a month....I Have lost about 43 lbs so far and the first 30 came off fairly quickly and now it is slow going as ever!! I destroyed my other scales in a fit of scale hating instead of wasting my money yet again....I will hide mine and only get on once a month.....but the night before i get terrible jitters!!!
  • janecl
    janecl Posts: 121 Member
    All the time I am scared to step on the scale. You can do it! Good luck!
  • Lizzy_Sunflower
    Lizzy_Sunflower Posts: 1,510 Member
    according to a weight loss study I am involved in, it is more beneficial to use your scale as a tool. By weighing yourself every day you are able to make quick adjustments to your food and exercise choices. Yes your weight fluctuates every day, but try to look at the scale as a tool. Also try not to look at your "number" as good or bad. Just a way to see how your choices affect your body. Remember this is a long term venture.
    My blog goes in to more detail on this ( I only have one post but it just so happens to be about this exact subject ):wink:

    best of luck!
  • Dippydog
    Dippydog Posts: 154
    Weigh and measure yourself when you feel you are ready and don't be discouraged if it is not what you hoped it would be.
    It will not come off as fast as you want it matter what. It will come off as fast as it went on....slow and steady wins the race.

    Oh...and just keep breathing. I find I end up holding my breath and try to exhale as much air as possible (in case it weighs anything...LOL)
  • Pangea250
    Pangea250 Posts: 965 Member
    ((((Hugs)))) Look at it this way...the scale is a way to judge if what you are doing is working or not. You yourself saw that when you weren't losing weight through exercise alone. What you were doing wasn't working, so you've now added another element to your weight loss efforts. You wouldn't have known that without the scale. So does it ever really give a bad answer?
  • Lasa797
    Lasa797 Posts: 13
    I weigh every morning and it scares me too. Especially the one week I didn't loose ANY weight at all. Then I looked at what I was eating: salsa, which has a lot of sodium. I stopped eating it immediately and over night I dropped 4 pounds! If I had been weighing myself just once a month I wouldn't have caught what was keeping me from losing.

    Some days I am up a pound and just that one little pound is discouraging and reinforces the fear. But, I look at how much I have lost so far and I tell myself to keep at it because I have been successful.
  • labgirl3
    labgirl3 Posts: 171 Member
    It's just information. Just like the size of your pants, or your bra size, or your waist measurement, or how many situps you can do. It gives you a small piece of the puzzle, but doesn't really show you the whole picture.

    I'd definitely take before pictures. You don't even have to look at them if you don't want to - just save them somewhere you can find them later on. Take measurements and track those monthly. Only step on the scale once a month if that's easier, or not at all.

    Personally, I like knowing where I am every day. It helps keep me on track, and I'm just curious. I know that my weight fluctuates, and everytime I reach a new low number, the scale tends to go back up for a week or so before I see it again. Mine also measures body fat (I know it's not all that accurate, but it's close enough to what my trainer gets using calipers, and I just look for a general downward trend). For me, it works. For others, weighing daily would drive them crazy. Figure out what works for you - what motivates you - and do it!

    Good luck!
  • jodimitchell
    jodimitchell Posts: 86 Member
    according to a weight loss study I am involved in, it is more beneficial to use your scale as a tool. By weighing yourself every day you are able to make quick adjustments to your food and exercise choices. Yes your weight fluctuates every day, but try to look at the scale as a tool. Also try not to look at your "number" as good or bad. Just a way to see how your choices affect your body. Remember this is a long term venture.
    My blog goes in to more detail on this ( I only have one post but it just so happens to be about this exact subject ):wink:

    best of luck!

    I have my scale in the kitchen and weigh myself everyday.. some days im up , some days im down ( and i quickly enter those awesome down days into mfp because it counts :)) Im never discouraged because i know i've been higher then what i am now and i know Im making good choices.
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