How often do you weigh yourself?

Frappuzzino Posts: 342 Member
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
I used to weigh myself twice a week and thought that was reasonable but I'm starting to change my mind. I almost want to weight in once every 2 weeks or something. I need to stop focusing so much on my weight and more about just being healthy and enjoying exercising. :)

So, how often do you weigh yourself?


  • birdieandkenadi05
    birdieandkenadi05 Posts: 71 Member
    I agree, I stopped focusing on the scale and celebrated all changes, like lose clothes and increase in energy. I weigh once a week on Sunday!
  • woja9640
    woja9640 Posts: 450 Member
    I weigh myself once a week in the morning after I wake up. Best time to weigh your self.
  • rharredo
    rharredo Posts: 22
    i weight myself about every ten days. I used to do it once a week when I was doing weight watchers, but for me, I found the weight was more reliable every ten days.

    Plus I agree, sometimes i would get so worried about the weight loss, emotional "ups and downs" with loss or gain, instead of the change to a healthy lifestyle. I found the every ten days was a nice balance for me to keep tabs on weight loss but also taking into account the bigger picture of a more healthy lifestyle.
  • Sherbog
    Sherbog Posts: 1,072 Member
    My routine is to get up...go pee...weigh...record it on paper calendar....go for an hour walk. On my "Brisk" Walk I plan my meals.

    I tried to weigh once a week but six days off the scales is to many days for me to get off track.

    Best of luck to you.
  • virgo1978
    virgo1978 Posts: 73 Member
    Once a week. Saturday is my weigh-in/measurement day. Weight fluctuates too much day to day. I think weekly gives me a better idea of what I've lost (or gained). :)
  • mschickiepoo
    mschickiepoo Posts: 91 Member
    I've been weighing myself everyday, and I need to stop... it's very discouraging. I want to see the pounds fly off with all the hard work and effort I've been putting in :( I guess once a week is going to be my new tactic.
  • KhollerSA05
    KhollerSA05 Posts: 39 Member
    For em doing a daily weigh in works best for me. Sometimes the scale may not move for a week or two, and if I see other improvements then idon't worry about it bt if I see no improvement and no change in the scale it lets me know I need to start re-evaluating my plan and making changes.
  • Oompa_Loompa
    Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
    Once a week. every Wednesday morning. right when i wake up. after I
  • brancakes
    brancakes Posts: 263 Member
    once a week always at the same time of day.
  • noexcuses1218
    noexcuses1218 Posts: 332 Member
    Weekly, on Monday mornings. Keeps me honest through the weekend. Sort of. :ohwell:
  • missduffbug
    missduffbug Posts: 217
    I do it once a week - every Tuesday. It gives me something to focus on and gives me the encouragement I need when I see a loss. I think if I waited longer than that I wouldnt be as good as I am. This way I know I have 7 days to work really hard. I hear that some people weigh in every day but I feel thats a bit obsessive because your weight can change daily depending on time of the day , your cycle etc.
    Once a week is a good amount of time I feel x
  • AmyB2011
    AmyB2011 Posts: 48
    Once a week, first thing as soon as I wake up on a Sunday morning. :smile:
  • ybba12490
    ybba12490 Posts: 252
    Every 2 weeks on sunday mornings is when I weigh. I like the anticipation of whether I made a good loss or not!
  • Once a week on sunday morning. It's hard not to focus on the weight I lost or gained back. I exercise a lot and can't tell if I'm gaining weight back from exercising or if something else is going on. I heard somewhere that you gain gain weight from your muscles when you exercise. Does anyone know if that's true?
  • SpencerR
    SpencerR Posts: 37
    I check it about everyday outta habit but I only record my weight once a week on monday mornings as soon as I get up and pee
  • ki4idb
    ki4idb Posts: 114
    I try to wiegh myself twice a week on Monday and Thursdays ... the Monday weigh in keeps me honest over the weekend and the Thursday weigh in helps make sure that I have not got off target while at work. When I am home my wife makes sure I do not stray towards the cookie jar!
  • Fitmomtobe81
    Fitmomtobe81 Posts: 19 Member
    Every two weeks, first thing in the morning after going to the restroom. As for me, I like every two weeks better, since the larger number of lbs lost keeps me motivated!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I weigh myself once a month...the day after my TOM ends...I don't have a digital scale so I can't see the .08lbs I've's all or nothing for me. Last month was only 3 lbs so I was off by 1lbs. the month before was 5 lbs lost. I just find the bigger number to be more reassuring.
  • CaraRadz
    CaraRadz Posts: 169 Member
    I weigh myself once a week at the same time and wearing the same thing. I also take my measurements approximately every two weeks.
  • Pangea250
    Pangea250 Posts: 965 Member
    I weigh myself every day. I just need to see what is going on every day. I only chart the losses, though
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